Woman reports herself as drunk driver

mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
Woman calls 911 to report herself as drunk driver
Mon Nov 2, 9:31 pm ET
NEILSVILLE, Wis. – The call came into the 911 dispatcher: "I don't want to hurt anybody. I'm drunk." And with that, Mary Strey, 49, of Granton, reported herself as a drunken driver about three miles northeast of Neilsville in central Wisconsin.

Clark County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Jim Backus said Monday that Strey's call on Oct. 24 led deputies to cite her for misdemeanor drunken driving with a blood-alcohol level double the legal limit to drive. She makes her first court appearance Dec. 10.

Backus said drunken drivers reporting themselves is rare.

In the 911 call, Strey said she wanted to report a drunken driver and the dispatcher asked if she was behind the suspect vehicle. "I am them," Strey said. She then followed the dispatcher's advice to pull over and turn on her flashers, telling him she had been "drinking all night long."
There are an awful lot of people who are saying this woman is stupid. Well she may be stupid, she didn't exactly sound like a rocket scientist on the 911 tape, but she did the right thing in calling somebody and stopping driving. It would have been smarter to call someone besides the police to come and get her, if she had anyone like that. But at least she didn't keep driving and kill or injure someone like the drunk driver that killed my brother-in-law's son.
There are an awful lot of people who are saying this woman is stupid. Well she may be stupid, she didn't exactly sound like a rocket scientist on the 911 tape, but she did the right thing in calling somebody and stopping driving. It would have been smarter to call someone besides the police to come and get her, if she had anyone like that. But at least she didn't keep driving and kill or injure someone like the drunk driver that killed my brother-in-law's son.

I'm with you. At least she realized that driving was the wrong thing to do.
There are an awful lot of people who are saying this woman is stupid. Well she may be stupid, she didn't exactly sound like a rocket scientist on the 911 tape, but she did the right thing in calling somebody and stopping driving. It would have been smarter to call someone besides the police to come and get her, if she had anyone like that. But at least she didn't keep driving and kill or injure someone like the drunk driver that killed my brother-in-law's son.

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