Words of Advice for the Young People...



I am sometimes asked if I have any words of advice for young people
Well here are a few simple admonitions for young and old, man and beast

Never interfere in a boy and girl fight

Beware of whores who say they don't want money
the hell they don't
What they mean is that they want more money
much more
These are the most expensive whores what can be got


If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch
get it in writing
His word isn't worth sh*t
not with the good Lord telling him how to f*ck you on the deal

If after having been exposed to someone's presence
you feel as if you've lost a quart of plasma
avoid that presence
You need it like you need pernicious anemia

We don't like to hear the word vampire around here
We're trying to improve our public image
Building a kindly avuncular benevolent image
Interdependence is the keyword
Enlightened interdependence
Life in all its rich variety
Take a little, leave a little
However by the inexorable logistics of the vampiric process they always take more than they leave
And why indeed should they take any?

Avoid f*ck-ups
fools I call them
you all know the type
no matter how good it sounds
everything they have anything to do with
turns into a disaster
trouble for themselves and everyone connected with them
a fool is bad news and it rubs off
Don't let it rub off on you

Do not proffer sympathy to the mentally ill
it is a bottomless pit
Tell them firmly
I am not paid to listen to this drivel
you are a terminal fool
Otherwise they make you as crazy as they are

Now you may encounter the devil's bargain
if you get that far
Any old soul is worth saving
at least to a priest
but not every soul is worth buying
So you can take the offer as a compliment

They try the easy marks first
you know like money
all the money there is
but who wants to be the richest guy in some cemetery?
Money won't buy it
Not much left to spend it on, eh Gramps?
Getting too old to cut the mustard
Well time hits the hardest blow
especially below the belt

How does a young body grab ya?
Like three card monty or the pea under the shell
Now you see it
now you don't
Haven't you forgotten something, Gramps?
In order to feel something you have to be there
You have to be eighteen
You're not eighteen
You are seventy-eight
Old fool sold his soul for a strap-on

Aw they always try the easy ones first

How about an honorable bargain?
You always wanted to be a doctor
well now's your chance
You could become a great healer and benefit humanity

What's wrong with that?

Just about everything

There are no honorable bargains involving qualitative merchandise like souls
for quantitative merchandise like time or money
so piss off Satan and don't take me for dumber than I look

As an old junk pusher told me
watch whose money you pick up

Above all avoid confirmed criminals
they are a special malignant strain of fool

Words of advice for young people
Originally posted by WindyCityRacer

If after having been exposed to someone's presence
you feel as if you've lost a quart of plasma
avoid that presence
You need it like you need pernicious anemia

Dude, this fits so perfectly for someone around here right now! :)

I think that I will heed this advice from here on out.
Above all avoid confirmed criminals
they are a special malignant strain of fool

Does that mean I don't have to go to work anymore?

Do not stop going to work. A thankless job I'm sure at times, but I thank you. Representatives of the law are a breed of man apart from the rest.
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