Worst Experience



Well, after my first time going to see a Cup race at Pocono, I'm not sure I'm ever going to go back there. What happened to my Sunday was just unreal.

After watching the race Sunday, I left the track and headed to the parking lot to leave. When we went to find my Jeep, though, it was no where to be found. We searched every aisle we could for 3 hours before trying to get help. Track security put us on a go-kart to drive us around, but decided that the parking lot was too full so told us the only thing we could do was keep looking until the lot was clear. So we began searching for another two hours until it got dark when we realized we had left our stuff in the back of the security guard's go-kart. So we went back to where they told us a security guard would be, and there wasn't one. So we kept walking and found another track security personel, but their radio didn't work so told us we had to keep walking. Finally we someone, only to have them tell us we needed to walk on the other side of the track to the main control center to get help. We were getting frustrated, we had done more excercise than we wanted to in our entire lives walking up and down and back and forth, and we the night was getting worse before it was getting better. We walked to where they told us, and it turns out that Pocono hires several security companies to run the track, so these security said the best we could do was wait for the parking lot to clear and had us sit there for two more hours. Some other families, that apparently were going through the same thing we were with different security companies telling them to do different things, started showing up, and finally we started getting some help.

So here's the kicker. My Jeep was stolen, and so were at least five other cars. BUT... all but one by the time I left were found. Apparently some tow truck driver thought it was funny to play a little joke this afternoon and tow people's cars and put them in completely different lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't know who the driver was, so the best they could do was find where the tow truck driver decided to put them. They found my Jeep in a completely different parking lot next to a tree and only 50 ft from one of the other missing cars. I couldn't believe it! One of the security personel told me that it was illegal to tow cars at Pocono during the day unless they were parked illegally, and that they had noticed this tow truck driver towing cars from the row, but nobody did anything about this!!!!!!!!! And the way they were making this sound is that this has happened before!!! Can you believe this?????????

So although I enjoyed the race, I had a horrible experience at Pocono Speedway, and all Pocono did was hire these security companies to run the track, not handle problems like this and made my day a nightmare. I still don't have my stuff, but at least I have my Jeep, but I doubt you'll be seeing me at Pocono Speedway again any time soon.
well that is a horrible story I hope you can get your stuff back sometime soon. But at least you had fun at the race which is the reason you went
Seriously, all this really happened? Sounds more like a Stephen King short story too me....Sorry you had such a rough day.
Man that sux!!!!!!!!! The driver of that truck should be dealt with harshly. That is not in the least bit amusing. At least you had a good race experience.
That's a terrible story, rp. Glad to hear you got your Jeep back, though. I'd still be furious if that had happened to me.

I'll probably never go back to Pocono, but not because of their security problems. You just can't see hardly any action on the track. From my seat at the start/finish line four years ago, I could only see a blur of cars for the split second it took for them to pass between the dozens of heads in front of me. Unless they changed it, the seats aren't stratified enough to allow for good visibility. I much prefer watching those races on television, as silly as that sounds.

Then again, if I were sitting on a lawn chair atop an R.V. swilling beers at the edge of the infield, I probably wouldn't mind Pocono at all. I bet you can see the race and a whole lot more from that vantage point. :D
I have been to 2 WC races one at martinsville and one at richmond, both times werent much fun. THe first race I went to somebody had some type of flue and I cought it and the second time we had a spot right in the sun and I had second degree burns on my face.I just seemed to have a better time watching it from home. I have herd at the big tracks you cant see the cars well at a points of the track anyway.
ive been to a ton of races

charlotte, N. wilkesboro, Martinsville, and Daytona

loved Charlotte, Wilkesboro

Daytona, the racing was good, otherwise that track is a joke
I have been to numerous races at Charlotte. There is not a bad seat at that track, parking was reasonable, traffic after the race moved rather well also. Thumbs up there. I have also been to Bristol a few times. Traffic is a nightmare, otherwise enjoyed going there. I would love to make Rockingham my next track. Anyone have any input about that track?
rpm, so glad to hear you got your jeep back. Wish they could find out who the tow truck belonged to --- a string him up!

I've heard lots of horror storied about Pocono, so don't plan on seeing me there. Unless it's with a tour group on a bus, so I don't have to drive. LOL
I'd like to do more than string him up. *calming down* But yeah, it really was horrible, and it wasn't made any better by the way security handled it. And as I talk to some people, I'm starting to hear more stories about this track, and i doubt you'll ever see me there again. Next year I'm going to Dover, though, so let's hope I have a better story to report then.
Boy what a wild story!! Thought all the jerks were out here in CA!! Guess PA has a few. Sorry about you having such a back experience.........maybe Dover will be better. We go to California Speedway but we don't drive. Amtrak has chartered trains from various parts of Southern CA and at 25 bucks a head round trip, you can't beat it. No parking lot nightmares like yours for sure. We're home (55 miles away) watching recaps of the race before a good deal of the people who drove are even out of the parking lot!:)
Sounds good DE, if they could only stay on the tracks! Another one derailed today. Sorry to hear about that expierence RP, but thats what America is coming to today. O well, at least the race was good.
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