That's the craziest thing I've read or heard. At one, a BABY is lucky if it can even walk yet, talk, still poops and pees in a diaper, and you want it to be able to have sex? No..not just have sex, but BREED??!!!!!!!!!! It's bad enough that teens can do it and with too much success, I might add. Kids raising kids... yeah, that's really great for the little ones. Why in the hell would anyone want a human to be capable of having sex, let alone BREED as a baby? I don't think there's even a possibility you could present any kind of argument in favor of that which wouldn't be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Obviously, you've never been a parent I take it? Besides... babies and toddlers do a good enough job of sticking their hands in their diapers. If you're lucky, there's nothing on it when it comes back out!
OK.. take this and remember it: Humans are not gophers nor are they groundhogs. We don't have litters w/o fertility drugs. We also don't have the same short life span and if we're lucky, we don't end up as road kill.
Seriously??!!! I can't believe what I've read here. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!