The thing I see wrong with Busch....eeer Nationwide, is the fact there are no names in there...... Back in the 90's, drivers ran a few seasons, cut their teeth, then moved up, it lead for some good name recognition, as well as rivalries. the thing is now, big teams hire these guys, whether it be a Montoya, Hornish, or an up and comin, they run a handful of races, then throw them into a handful of Cup races, and get everything set for next year full time in cup. I miss the days of LaJoie-Buckshot, Labonte-Greene, Wallace-Labonte, etc...... there were alot of good LOCAL short track divers payin their dues, now its all about how fast we can get them to cup. I would love to go on Saturdays and see the Pressleys, Lajoies, Grissoms, etc goin at it.....
Cup drivers in the lower series is nothing new, its just gotten waaay outta hand. Maybe they should treat the Cup guys like the go or go home boys.... only alot 5 spot for them..... the fastest 5 regular cup guys make the show, leave the rest for the lower tier guys.
Those guys need to compete against the big boys, and the Cup guys put butts in the seats, but when the checkers fall and 8 outta of the top 10 are Cup, somethin is wrong. These guys need seat time too.