Ya'll have a Good Night!


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
I am outta here! My girlfriends are taking me out to the Club tonight. Not really in the mood, but what the heck. I had big plans for the weekend and they fell through so I have been kinda down in the dumps, they think a night out is what I need to cheer me back up. I already have the sitter lined up for the night so I guess I will go. Hope everyone has a good night. Catch ya'll tomorrow or I will probably pop in when I get home.
Be careful Dee... they cant dance in that place and that disco is too retro 70's. And give QoH my regards.
Originally posted by Gollum@Jan 31 2004, 10:00 PM
Have a great time. And stay out of trouble. :lol:
Yeah, right! :lol:

Do you see her here bright and early this morning? :p
Well, that Dee is a party machine when her hearts in it. And right now, I think it is.Fortunately, the club is only ten miutes from her house...still wish SHE WOULD CHECK IN though! :huh: C'mon honey....where are you? :wacko:
Aw, come on 97.....that's just the reaction that she is looking for. :D

Seriously, I'm sure that she is just fine and probably just sleeping in on a cold morning.

She'll be here soon ...........so enough to start bustin' your chops again. :lol:
Don't talk to loud. She may have someone with cleets on running around inside her head. :lol:
I am here gang. And 97 I would have checked in if your phone wouldn't have been busyall night. I kept it close, not having a repeat of Oct.
I had a wonderful time, except for when this chic thought I was after her man, talk about psycho. Anyway I danced my butt off, it was fun.
We ended up closing the club and I stopped drinking at midnight so I was fine driving.
Ahhh...uhhh..about my phone babe....

No seriously, they still arent right after the river washed away the bazillion dollar state of the art fiber optics line.(Dont laugh, folks, I am serious.)

And honey....you and me both know: Up there is where they GROW pyscho chicks!(QoH maybe?) They grow 'em there and ship the out to the rest of the world. ;) \

Anyway, glad you staggered in finally!! :p
Originally posted by DeeDee@Feb 1 2004, 09:54 AM
I am here gang. And 97 I would have checked in if your phone wouldn't have been busyall night.
See, 97?

Everything is just fine.

It's all your fault! :lol:
Good to read that you had a good time Dee.

Sometimes it is good to get out and let off some steam even if you do run into a few pyschobabes.

Heck, I run into them almost everyday when I am on the road. :lol:
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