Ya'll miss me or what?


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
How has every one been? First let me start by saying I have been drinking. ;) Not mexican beer...lol wine and now I have switched to Smirnoff twisted orange have any of you tried these? Well let me tell you they go down way too easy.
I was supposed to take my Girl Scout Troop on an overnighter tonight but the weather is pretty yucky so it got cancelled. So here I am... No plans on a Friday night. I can't tell you the last tiem I haven't had plans on a Friday night. I don't know what to do with myself.

I miss Clark... I know many of you do too but I really miss him. I talk to him every day and he misses everyone here too, I keep telling him and he doesn't believe me but this place just isnt the same with him gone.
I mean come on I don't think y'all have even bothered to have a GBFC meeting in his absense, he would want you guys to carry on.... What do we have to do to liven this place up? Get Guido drunk and see if he will do a strip tease? LOL
Oh I miss my 97!
Have a good night people!
that twisted orange is good, and so are some of the others too.....YA WE MISSED YOU GIRL....question? where is 97? how come he is not here anymore? sure miss him too? is he taking a break away? well.....say a big hi for me........ :D
But, of course we do!!! We miss both you AND 97! It is definitely not the same around here without you two! (And, there's a couple more that have gone MIA too!) You both need to get your butts back here and help to liven this place back up! :)
Originally posted by DeeDee@May 21 2004, 10:48 PM
SO let's liven this place up! Come on people!
All right...next round is on me :cheers:
Originally posted by DeeDee@May 21 2004, 06:34 PM
What do we have to do to liven this place up? Get Guido drunk and see if he will do a strip tease? LOL

Oh I miss my 97!
Uh....Dee.......let's not go there. It wouldn't be a pretty site and I wouldn't want to have anyone here get sick. :lol:

Now, if you keep knocking down those drinks, we can all just wait for you to so a strip.

That would be a lot more pleasing to the eyeballs. ;)

Of course, we can only hope you perform that dance before you get sick from drinking to many of those wine coolers. :D

Welcome back, dear! :wub:
It is good to see you here again and in good spirits too.

And we do miss 97. Please let him know that.
hey, i'm planning on drinking later...hornsby's though...a hard cider, dark and dry...pretty good...i'm willing to share
Well it looks like this is turning into a drinking party! Weee-haw!!!!!

Just wine for me now, but everyone needs to remember:

"You don't have to have a good time to get drunk!"

Alright, let the fun begin!

It's so good to have you back, Dee. You've been missed. Tell 97 to hurry up and get back here, we miss him, too.

As to having a drink.....as I post this, it's a little early here so I think I'll settle for a cup of tea!!! :cheers:
Thanks everyone. Been a rough two days, have an inner ear infection, the doctor has me on several meds. and I am have out of it. I feel so bad for little babies now when they have an ear ache, I never knew it was this bad. Catch everyone later!
Lawdy, Lawdy Dee......If it wasn't for bad luck, you'ld have no luck at all (except for your wonderful daughter!)
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