Yo Possum



I am sorry EMP, but I have a confession. I had to kill one of your kin-folk today. :huh:

I have had an opossum bugging me for a few weeks. He started by tearing up my garbage. That was just annoying, but he has been getting less and less apprehensive over the past week or so. First he chased my son up the driveway. I never heard of one doing that before, but there were several witnesses to this event. My son was pretty freaked out. Then this afternoon I went out of my basement door and there he was sleeping in my empty trash can in the middle of the day!! That was the last straw.

I called the city and they told me they don't handle opossums. They wanted a cash deposit and $20 to send someone out to trap it and destroy it. I said "never mind, I will take care of it". I took my .22 and shot it about 5 times. It didn't quit moving around until I put a hollow point through it's head. I'm just glad it was a plastic can he was napping in.

In short EMP, I hope it wasn't a friend of yours. :cheers:
Anybody seen Cousin Jerry Joe today? :unsure:

Jerry Joe always was a little odd. There was a rumor went around a few months ago that his daddy might have been half-coon. Never was proved one way or the other, but you know how woodland critters talk...

I'll call his momma. Ain't like this'll be the first youngun she's buried. 'Course, usually it involves getting a shovel and venturing out onto the road to claim the remains.

I forgive you, 4X. He needed killin anyway.
Jerry Joe mustv been a wile chile hangin wit the wrong crowd and lazy. Oh well, may he RIP....wait do they let possums into heaven?

EMP, y'all need to post a recipie for 4x
Roasted Sassafras Possum

1 skinned and dressed possum cut-up
3 cups sliced carrots
6 cups onions, quartered
6 cups potatoes, quartered
1 clove garlic minced
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons Worchestershire sauce
3 cups water
salt and pepper

Note: Ramps can be substituted for onions.

Place the cut up possum and vegetables in a ovenproof iron pot. Add the rest of the ingredients to the pot. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours (depending on size of possum).
This reminds me of the old Hee Haw show skit where Grandpa Jones would tell the folks " whats fer supper!" That show was a classic, man.
Road Kill Cafe -- "You kill it, we grill it!"

Our special today is the Possum Pudding, only 49 cents!
Any recipies from the Road kill cafe, or even the menue (which I lost) would be appreciated! I'd especially like to see the menue posted! I do remember flat cat, but that only ticked The Kat off (just a little).
Originally posted by kat2220@Feb 21 2004, 08:55 PM
Any recipies from the Road kill cafe, or even the menue (which I lost) would be appreciated! I'd especially like to see the menue posted! I do remember flat cat, but that only ticked The Kat off (just a little).
I have a Road Kill Cafe Shirt with the menu on it, yummy. :lol:
Originally posted by kat2220@Feb 21 2004, 08:55 PM
Any recipies from the Road kill cafe, or even the menue (which I lost) would be appreciated! I'd especially like to see the menue posted! I do remember flat cat, but that only ticked The Kat off (just a little).
Just for you kat


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