You're Gonna Do WHAT With That Million?


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Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
You're Gonna do WHAT With That Million Dollars?
Amy Hair, Cup Scene Daily

Have you ever experienced one of those moments where you just freeze and wonder if what you heard was indeed what you actually heard?

Friday night, while watching the fellows on pit road as they were getting ready to qualify for the big All Star race, I had one of those moments. Dick Bergren was interviewing Carl Edwards, and he too was taken aback. He even muttered a big "Wow" as Carl explained that if he happened to win the All Star race and the million dollar prize, he was going to donate the money to two charities. The Victory Junction Gang would get half and Speedway Children's Charities would get the other. I guess Carl had mentioned this earlier on one of the pre-shows, but I missed is somehow.

Carl has that country boy innocence thing going on, and that's not a bad thing. The first year he was in the Cup Series, I remember thinking that this guy was too good to be true. Too good in the fact that he was overly polite, excruciatingly happy, and constantly telling us how honored he was to be where he was. It was almost to the point that the audience cringed just a bit when the microphone was shoved under his every smiling and cheerful face. But we grew accustomed to it, and came to expect it of him.

Time has gone by, and he's revealed on occasion an aggressive point of view, but in general, this guy is one that anybody would gladly want on their side. He can be relied on and never doubted in his sincerity. He doesn't do anything half way, it's all or nothing. And the "nice" things he does just seem to come naturally…and that's pretty darn cool.

I say all this to finally get to my point….Carl saying he's going to give his money away to two children's charities if he wins shouldn't come as a surprise to any of his fans. When he does something, he does it at 100%. If he'd of said he was giving half of it away, that wouldn't have sounded right, not for Carl.

He's earning a strong and dedicated fan following as time goes by, and it's well deserved. If he wins the race or not, he has proven once again that his heart is much bigger than about 90% of the rest of the world. And whether his generosity comes from what his dedicated family has taught him, or just from the warm heart he carries around, he is a great gift to the world of NASCAR.

So on Saturday night, this fan will be watching very closely and hoping that Edwards crosses the line first…not because he's my favorite driver, and not because he's such a "good" guy…but because those kids that benefit from those charities need Carl to cross the finish line first…and if he does win? Those kids' smiles will be almost as big as Carl's, and most definitely just as genuine.

I've already decided that whether he wins or not, I'll be writing a check to those two charities, and I'll donate in Carl's name…not because I want to jump on his band wagon, but because I'd like to feel, if even for just a brief minute, that I could be a part of such a heartfelt gesture that will bring happiness to those kids that need our help so very badly.

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