The Gen 6 Car


Crew Chief
Nov 18, 2014
So, after two seasons, what are all your thoughts on the gen 6 car.

Personally, I think it looks ugly, its fat and chubby, doesn't look streamlined and fast like the old gen 4 cars did. Although they do look a lot more like production cars currently, which is a point I've never really understood, I would prefer it to look better over similarities to street cars. The racing's been decent, nothing really special, although, these cars have produced extremely stale plate racing, which for me is a turnoff. I think the changes next year will help, as 2013 was much more entertaining than this year, however the tire package is much better now, so it will probably improve. However, with the HP reduction, I dont want this to turn into the nationwide series, where the racing is in my opinion the worst its been since I can remember. I would rather see a return to pre COT competition where their was an emphasis on racing, and not this obsession with side by side bunched up packs.

Anyways, what is everyone's opinion? Seems not a lot of people are talking about this due to the chase but I wanted to ask anyways.
1. Thinks the gen 6 design is ugly
2. Doesnt want NASCAR racecars to look like production vehicles
3. Plate racing fan
4. 2013 was more entertaining than 2014

This threads gonna get eaten alive. Youve been warned.


I think the gen 6 would benefit without the splitter & get raised up a few inches. Other than that, I dig it much more than previous designs.
1. Thinks the gen 6 design is ugly
2. Doesnt want NASCAR racecars to look like production vehicles
3. Plate racing fan
4. 2013 was more entertaining than 2014

This threads gonna get eaten alive. Youve been warned.
Likes plate racing...dislikes side by side bunched up packs?
So, after two seasons, what are all your thoughts on the gen 6 car.

Personally, I think it looks ugly, its fat and chubby, doesn't look streamlined and fast like the old gen 4 cars did. Although they do look a lot more like production cars currently, which is a point I've never really understood, I would prefer it to look better over similarities to street cars. The racing's been decent, nothing really special, although, these cars have produced extremely stale plate racing, which for me is a turnoff. I think the changes next year will help, as 2013 was much more entertaining than this year, however the tire package is much better now, so it will probably improve. However, with the HP reduction, I dont want this to turn into the nationwide series, where the racing is in my opinion the worst its been since I can remember. I would rather see a return to pre COT competition where their was an emphasis on racing, and not this obsession with side by side bunched up packs.
Anyways, what is everyone's opinion? Seems not a lot of people are talking about this due to the chase but I wanted to ask anyways.
UH, were you watching the same races that I was? If you were then we're way too far off to even discuss this. Have a good one.
I keep telling everyone that I can't remember a time when there were more cars out there capable of running with the leaders . The more cars that are capable of running at the front , the more it appears to be difficult to pass . I remember a time when my guy , Bill Elliott , could easily pass the entire field . Of course he had twice as much horsepower as the others . That kind of advantage doesn't happen any more . Passing is very difficult when the guy you are passing is running the same horsepower as you are .
At non plate tracks

I could care less if they are in a pack if all they do is run side by side and no one can make a pass. If the cars are glued to their lines and position the racing isn't good in my opinion. I would rather see the cars move around than just run 3x15 all day.

Maybe I went a little to far with saying 2013 was better, but my opinion still sticks with the nationwide. I guess I should re-state that I watched very little from 09-12, but again, I'm mostly comparing it to the old gen 4 cars. But maybe I'm just building my opinion off of nostalgia... oh well.
I could care less if they are in a pack if all they do is run side by side and no one can make a pass. If the cars are glued to their lines and position the racing isn't good in my opinion. I would rather see the cars move around than just run 3x15 all day.

Maybe I went a little to far with saying 2013 was better, but my opinion still sticks with the nationwide. I guess I should re-state that I watched very little from 09-12, but again, I'm mostly comparing it to the old gen 4 cars. But maybe I'm just building my opinion off of nostalgia... oh well.
Ahh, okay. That explains it.

As I have now said numerous times, the racing has been very good overall for the last several years IMO. You've admittedly missed most of it. I get that you're comparing the current car to the pre-COT cars (which some folks also said were ugly and didn't race well) but how can you dismiss something that you didn't really see in action?

As for my thoughts on the Gen 6 cars, I love them. I think they look great and the racing has been just as good with them as it has been since 2010 or 2011.
Am I the only one who liked the look of the cars in the early-mid 2000s? I never liked the early COT, it got a lot better once they put the spoiler on, although the racing was kind of lackluster since then, if that makes any sense.
Am I the only one who liked the look of the cars in the early-mid 2000s? I never liked the early COT, it got a lot better once they put the spoiler on, although the racing was kind of lackluster since then, if that makes any sense.
Ehh, I've pretty much always liked the way that the cars have looked, some more than others, but I've never felt that any of them were hideously ugly.

Honestly, this is one of those topics that you could ask ten people about and get ten completely different responses.
1. Thinks the gen 6 design is ugly
2. Doesnt want NASCAR racecars to look like production vehicles
3. Plate racing fan
4. 2013 was more entertaining than 2014

This threads gonna get eaten alive. Youve been warned..
UH, were you watching the same races that I was? If you were then we're way too far off to even discuss this. Have a good one.
Aaaaaaaand mission accomplished.
They have all went ugly compared to this!


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I think the Gen 6 has definitely produced better racing. I'm anxious to see if the modifications next year will reduce
the aero dependence that allows the car in "clean air" run away from the field.
I like the gen 6 car, all it is, is a new body on the original COT car. accept there are 2 new roll bars a double bar at the top of the windshield and I think there is an additional upright bar in what would be the passenger roof to floor board area. They have allowed for less weight compared to the old car. They have allowed more rear camber and of course zero ride height. They still need to work on tires that wear out. I also think slowing the cars is going to help quite a bit. I wasn't all that impressed with the racing on most tracks. The tracks had to have multigroove to have good racing. if not often times the leader would get put back to 15th and couldn't move forward.
The racing hasn't been bad with this Gen-6 platform. It could be much, much, MUCH better I think. The aero dependence at the front of the field, inability to suck up and pass a car in front of you are serious drawbacks. Here is my opinion on all matters with this car:

1) I hate the look of the Gen-6. They look ugly as hell. They look fat, round and awkward. The fenders are too bulky, the rear bumpers are to large and low to the ground. The splitter looks like a damn snow plow. They aren't stock cars. Nascar was founded on stock car racing. Not these Rally car looking things.

2) I'd chop off the splitter, remove some rear bumper, and raise the cars off the ground a few inches. I think this would help greatly with aero push. Not to mention you could spin a car in the grass and not destroy the whole front assembly because the snowplow digs in 2 feet of grass.

3) completely overhaul the plate package with these cars. The plate racing had been dull and boring since the Gen-6 debuted.

Overall, the last two years have been steady improvement. The 2015 rules changes will be interesting. Hopefully a softer tire compound will help.
The gen 6 is better than that screwed up COT abortion.

The change I would like to see, is take enough aero out so the driver has to truly drive. Thats where you seperate the true drivers from the along for the ride drivers.
Makes no difference to me what these cars look like that they race. Spoilers, wings, whatever, it's all good. A cup car from years ago with the wing still looks way better than any of that kind of crap I see on the road today sporting one of those things. I can't help but laugh every time I see something like that being driven down the street.

Racing? The racing has been excellent across all three series which is all that matters to me.
There is no such thing as a pretty race car (except the GT40). I don't care what the car looks like, I care about the on-track competition which has been pretty good with the Gen 6 car. Put a number on the door and race.
I hate we didn't get to see this thing race.


So nice.
I'm still hoping to see it on the track someday, although I shouldn't hold my breath. They're not in a great spot right now - the factory SRT Viper team won the GTLM class this year and announced they're not coming back next year a couple of days later.
Usually when someone starts a thread asking for people's thoughts they really just want to tell us their thoughts.
I keep telling everyone that I can't remember a time when there were more cars out there capable of running with the leaders The more cars that are capable of running at the front , the more it appears to be difficult to pass . I remember a time when my guy , Bill Elliott , could easily pass the entire field . Of course he had twice as much horsepower as the others . That kind of advantage doesn't happen any more . Passing is very difficult when the guy you are passing is running the same horsepower as you are .
Nope Elliot didn't have twice as much horsepower he was just racing the 1st aerodynamic designed car in the 1985 Thunderbird. That car changed American car design.
Can't understand how someone can think this car looks bad.


or this

Literally nobody in this thread has suggested those cars looked "bad." There was a complaint or two about the nose of the Dodge later in this generation, but that's it. Who are you arguing with? It is possible for people to say both the Gen 4 and Gen 6 are aesthetically pleasing.

I'm not losing any sleep over the absence of the Gen 4, because in spirit it lives at the nearest asphalt short track to your house - with maybe some slight modifications to the nose or decklid based on your track's rules. If that's what wets your whistle, now you know where to go.

Personally, I liked the Gen 4, and I like the Gen 6. I went to SpeedWeeks in 2013. While the 500 ended up being a snoozer, I can't explain how awesome it felt to see the Gen6 roll out on the track when I went to a Wednesday practice session after years of seeing the COT.
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