2013 Racing Update


Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx

I went out first round of street, gave the stripe back. Dad won dial for Dollars (tightest package takes the jackpot- $380) then went out first round of Quick and Super Pro, then went out second round of Pro.

I'm heading up a video production crew for bracket racing, trying to capture the action and bring spectators in.

That is really cool, Magnethead.
We cut it close on curfew. HUGE car count. We have a midnight curfew, and Allen/Riley went down the track at 12:05. Both of them were hotlapping like hell, all you could smell was baked transmission fluid during the WC pictures. We triple entered and by second round, our trans temp was already 235.
The temperature was below the dew point, and the top end was sketchy at best.

The car in front of us got over by the wall (You can see it before dad does a burnout, he black spec goes dead right), the guy we raced got loose and had to lift, dad wanted to lift but stayed in it for the win, 2 cars after us, a dragster got dead sideways across both lanes but kept it off the wall, and thats when they called it. The choice was keep racing till somebody wrecked, or get permission from NHRA (It was a goodguys series event) D4 office to stop the race. They got permission so that's what they did.

Dad and I both both should have been in the finals last night.

Broke a rocker arm in the first qualifying session, then had the water pump lose a bearing and then we had a fan blade break not long after. Track was a little sketchy, but we both got to the semi-finals. Dad killed 3 MPH and went 5.396 on a 5.40 dial, and I went .011 red to the eventual winner's .130 light.

Car is already spun around in the garage ready for teardown.
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