FS1 axing Race Hub?

He does do that, but my problem with Moody is that he also does it with some callers who make valid points. If a caller's statement doesn't 100% tow the NASCAR company line, Moody does his damndest to humiliate them on the air. It's no way to treat your listeners, without them his sh!tty little show wouldn't exist.

I got tired of Moody after a very short while when I had SiriusXM in the car.

One that really turned me off to him was when someone called about NASCAR having so many night races and asked if it hurt them and short tracks as well. Moody went on with stuff along the lines of "If short tracks can't draw fans against NASCAR, they suck" and "Thunder Road in Vermont where I announce every week doesn't have a problem drawing crowds because it's a good track".

Uh, the track he mentioned races on Thursday nights, not the same night as NASCAR races. And the stuff with night races was a problem for short tracks at the time because this was the era where NASCAR's solution to every problem was "move the race to primetime" (which made the racing go from bad to worse).

I still don't understand why that was a trend. Saturday night races generate horrible television ratings and are horrible races in Cup, even on my beloved short tracks.
The other one with Moody was the Jeremy Mayfield saga. He's spout off everyday about how NASCAR would never do anything to sabotage a drivers career and there's no reason they'd go after Mayfield.

Tim Richmond anyone?
NASCAR America is very procedural.

In defense of Race Hub, it's hard to fill a one hour show each night with content. All the NASCAR websites struggle to do it as well, which is why they post Danica yoga pictures. Baseball, hockey and basketball are everyday sports. NFL has 32 teams and every player has a story that can be told. NASCAR has 43 drivers and, while they all have pit crews, none of the crew members are as prominent in the sport as a defensive back is in the NFL (which needs to change, by the way).

I mean, "headline news" in this sport is a P3 penalty -- which happens every week. Most weeks, there's nothing to talk about during the week and, what happens in the race, it's worn out by Tuesday.

I have a short track site and struggle to get content during the week at all, because our region only runs once a week. And this has easily been the worst year for asphalt short track racing I've ever seen. With the exception of two racetracks, car counts are way down across the board. And the two tracks that are up don't really have any stories to tell or any names. Factor in that almost every racetrack cancels every week because it rains every Saturday in the Southeast and racetracks refuse to run any of the other six nights.

I don't know how NASCAR Race Hub has lasted as long as it has for those reasons. I've watched a few times and you could tell they couldn't think of anything to fill their airtime with. One reason I like NASCAR America is that it's only a half hour during the months NBC doesn't have NASCAR. While procedural, they don't have as much problem filing content.
NASCAR America goes back and fourth from 30/60/120 minute run time, I would say the last few months, 60 minutes has been the average, but you do bring up a good point, trying to find content to fill the shows.
Correcting my previous post, NASCAR America did a lot of 110 minute(not 120) run time shows in the early part of the season.
Sometimes less is more, especially when quality is important. Too much air time verses content.
There is very little news being reported. 80 to 90 percent of the shows is time filler commentary.

Compared to the 80s and 90s and please forget the back in the day analogies, there was substantially better mid week programming then to back up my point. There was Thursday night thunder, live ASA races were often showm on Saturday nights. The Hooters Pro Cup, and many others.

I am sure that race hub type productions are cheaper to produce, and they are easier to sell as being more profitable. But they are more about extracting quarterly profits than delivering quality. And this is one of the reasons that the fan base is eroding.

There has to be some real racing going on, to make the yap worthwhile. And while I think the Sprint Cup racing is the best, racing is bigger than Nascar itself. The almost Nascar only mentality of programs like RH is an awful limitation, a real door closer.
Never has NASCAR Radio's Morning Drive w/ Pistone and Bagley been more pathetic than this morning with Mike Ditka. Bagley: "The prostrate is an issue right up the alley for men, right Coach?" You know, I would imagine when you are interviewing one of a sport's all time greats, you probably get nervous, and have to rely on your natural talent. This would be an example of that....or lack of thereof. I am convinced that without The Late Shift & Claire B. Lang, this station would go under. Unreal.
I am really shocked how it is even on the air everyday for 1 hour. They basically repeat everything over and over. Most people only watch to see what Danielle is wearing.
With so little content to cover its amazing how we used to have an entire channel devoted to motorsports
With so little content to cover its amazing how we used to have an entire channel devoted to motorsports

Back in the Speed Channel days, we had shows dedicated to the discussion and explanation of the technical aspects of this sport. That was so 2005. Now, we get Danielle and Kaitlyn in their clubbing outfits playing the part of journalist.
With so little content to cover its amazing how we used to have an entire channel devoted to motorsports
There is plenty of content for them to cover, they just chose to talk about the shiny stuff and fill the rest with fluff
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