Garage/Pit Lane COVID Protocols


A11 IN
Jan 12, 2014
So, I am having one hell of a hard time with NASCAR's policy of fully vaccinated guests allowed into the garages and pit road. If this is required for the guests, why in the hell isn't it required of the drivers? I have been hearing them squealing about how they want them back--particularly Mr. Short Track Racin'......largely because those guests are paying the bills/salaries. The more of the money people we get back, the better for everybody. Why not be part of the solution?
Maybe some of the non vaccinated drivers will learn something from Justin Haley who has to to sit out both of the races this weekend. They might be able to compare the hit in their pocket book compared to a free shot and not having to worry about all that.
Maybe some of the non vaccinated drivers will learn something from Justin Haley who has to to sit out both of the races this weekend. They might be able to compare the hit in their pocket book compared to a free shot and not having to worry about all that.
I agree, and it would probably help if the sport's most popular driver changed his tune.
I agree, and it would probably help if the sport's most popular driver changed his tune.
I'm not throwing shade at any driver, they all have choices. Haley made an expensive choice that didn't work out. Others could possibly learn from that example I would hope. If Nascar made it manditory some would come out of the woodwork screaming freedom. My doc said yesterday when I was talking to her about not believing so many not choosing to get vaccinated I was surprised when she said a one liner and walked off "thinning the herd". At this point I had to agree.
I'm not throwing shade at any driver, they all have choices. Haley made an expensive choice that didn't work out. Others could possibly learn from that example I would hope. If Nascar made it manditory some would come out of the woodwork screaming freedom. My doc said yesterday when I was talking to her about not believing so many not choosing to get vaccinated I was surprised when she said a one liner and walked off "thinning the herd". At this point I had to agree.
Fair enough, but if NASCAR is going to make that rule, enforce it. This is a private company. Drivers can take their choices elsewhere. At some point, our world will understand that this isn't a personal is still very much a choice, but not a personal one. Mr. Short Track Racin' and our sport's most popular driver and their 10 million dollar asses can infect others just like I can....but I won't because I made other choices. Both of those drivers could have promoted an agenda to vaccinate or deflected and done whatever in the hell their high school education told them to do, but chose to advance their own personal agendas. I have an issue with this, and any driver that does this. Conversely, I applaud Bubba and Hambone for their example which is supported by many who have degrees to make their voice matter.
I'm not throwing shade at any driver, they all have choices. Haley made an expensive choice that didn't work out. Others could possibly learn from that example I would hope. If Nascar made it manditory some would come out of the woodwork screaming freedom. My doc said yesterday when I was talking to her about not believing so many not choosing to get vaccinated I was surprised when she said a one liner and walked off "thinning the herd". At this point I had to agree.

That's funny because I know a lot a people in the medical field that have chosen not to get the shot.
That's funny because I know a lot a people in the medical field that have chosen not to get the shot.
that probably could work for them considering you can't get 50 feet from any medical facility without wearing a mask and everybody gets checked for temperature before they can either work or be a patient. The point is if a non vaxer gets around other non vaxer's their chances of spreading the virus among themselves is great. If a person who is vaccinated on the other hand the chances of getting the virus is almost nil according to the latest information.
that probably could work for them considering you can't get 50 feet from any medical facility without wearing a mask and everybody gets checked for temperature before they can either work or be a patient. The point is if a non vaxer gets around other non vaxer's their chances of spreading the virus among themselves is great. If a person who is vaccinated on the other hand the chances of getting the virus is almost nil according to the latest information.
I guess it depends on which days info you want to believe. I'll always stick to my thought of if you're worried about it get the shot or stay home. We have way too many people telling other people what they should and shouldn't be doing
I guess it depends on which days info you want to believe. I'll always stick to my thought of if you're worried about it get the shot or stay home. We have way too many people telling other people what they should and shouldn't be doing
Like the Doc said before we got on this merry go round. She said "thinning the herd" and that is what people who choose to not get the vaccination have to possibly deal with in their quest for their idea of freedom, and those that have been vaccinated don't have to worry about. Probably need to look at the latest figures on the death rate and hospitalization numbers, they aren't down by accident.
Many people say those that already had Covid don't need the vaccine, they have the natural resistance already built-in. There must be something to that or the news would be constantly talking about repeat sickness.

The other thing is unless they start requiring vaccinated people to show their card upon entry, there's no way of knowing who is and who isn't vaccinated. That would require each track to add more people just to check cards.
Many people say those that already had Covid don't need the vaccine, they have the natural resistance already built-in. There must be something to that or the news would be constantly talking about repeat sickness.

The other thing is unless they start requiring vaccinated people to show their card upon entry, there's no way of knowing who is and who isn't vaccinated. That would require each track to add more people just to check cards.
Pretty much moot points. According to the latest findings, people who are vaccinated have protection in almost any situation. People that don't, good luck. If some think because they already had it they are immune that might work for them. I believe they have said they don't know how long a person's immunity will last if they have had Covid already. None of that matters much if a person is vaccinated.
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Many people say those that already had Covid don't need the vaccine, they have the natural resistance already built-in. There must be something to that or the news would be constantly talking about repeat sickness.

The other thing is unless they start requiring vaccinated people to show their card upon entry, there's no way of knowing who is and who isn't vaccinated. That would require each track to add more people just to check cards.
I was just talking to a 79 year old friend of mine that had went to the VA about 2 months ago and was diagnosed with covid. He has now recovered and I asked him if he had gotten his shots and he told me the same thing you just said.
I believe they have said they don't know how long a person's immunity will last if they have had Covid already. None of that matters much if a person is vaccinated.
That can also be said for the vaccine since they have been saying people will need boosters every 6 months. Both sides have valid arguments.
So, I am having one hell of a hard time with NASCAR's policy of fully vaccinated guests allowed into the garages and pit road. If this is required for the guests, why in the hell isn't it required of the drivers? I have been hearing them squealing about how they want them back--particularly Mr. Short Track Racin'......largely because those guests are paying the bills/salaries. The more of the money people we get back, the better for everybody. Why not be part of the solution?
Ok, not trying to be a smart a__, but it will sound that way. Who cares? A problem of this whole ordeal has been too many people worrying about what other people do or don't do. We don't complain much about our neighbor making a rolling stop at the stop sign, which is actually illegal. Not sure why we care about what someone else is legally doing.
Many people say those that already had Covid don't need the vaccine, they have the natural resistance already built-in. There must be something to that or the news would be constantly talking about repeat sickness.

The other thing is unless they start requiring vaccinated people to show their card upon entry, there's no way of knowing who is and who isn't vaccinated. That would require each track to add more people just to check cards.
I can't speak for everyone, but I had it twice within a 7 month period last year, complete with a hospital stay and more blood transfusions than I can count the second time around. Was laid up for months before I felt back to "normal" again. So yes, it is possible to get it more than once, anti-bodies or not...
That can also be said for the vaccine since they have been saying people will need boosters every 6 months. Both sides have valid arguments.
that isn't entirely true nor is it earth shattering. For instance the flu vaccine changes every year to keep up with the changes. As it is if a vaccine can keep me from getting Covid from a carrier I am going for it and like Didit said I could care less if anybody else chooses to for whatever reason/excuse they can come up with.. There are plenty of Darwin awards to pass around, I'm not going for one.
I can't speak for everyone, but I had it twice within a 7 month period last year, complete with a hospital stay and more blood transfusions than I can count the second time around. Was laid up for months before I felt back to "normal" again. So yes, it is possible to get it more than once, anti-bodies or not...
A nurse friend said they had a patient that has had it three times. Also she said with some people they have lasting damage from it. Not everybody, but some have lingering affects. Whatever, I'm down for the shots.
So, I am having one hell of a hard time with NASCAR's policy of fully vaccinated guests allowed into the garages and pit road. If this is required for the guests, why in the hell isn't it required of the drivers? I have been hearing them squealing about how they want them back--particularly Mr. Short Track Racin'......largely because those guests are paying the bills/salaries. The more of the money people we get back, the better for everybody. Why not be part of the solution?
Its not required of the crew either. The Drivers and crews are necessary to put on the show, the suits at the track are not so they can force them to have it. If Driver A doesnt want to get the vaccine for whatever reason and NASCAR suspends them they are hurting the show. If its Chase Elliott you are gonna have a bad situation on your hands or if 15 drivers decide they dont want it you are gonna have a catastrophe. I'm sure teams were surveyed on who would and would not.
So, I am having one hell of a hard time with NASCAR's policy of fully vaccinated guests allowed into the garages and pit road. If this is required for the guests, why in the hell isn't it required of the drivers? I have been hearing them squealing about how they want them back--particularly Mr. Short Track Racin'......largely because those guests are paying the bills/salaries. The more of the money people we get back, the better for everybody. Why not be part of the solution?
Excellent question to which I do not have an answer for.

I got mine largely due to me wanting to see my grandparents, whom of which are heavy smokers, more often and lessen the chance of me catching it and giving it to them. I have family and friends who have family members who would be negatively affected by COVID heavily if I did not do my part in getting the shot.

I respect the decision of those who decide to get it or not get it, I also feel for the drivers because if they do not want to publicize getting the shot then they don't have to, at least IMHO. I'm a man who believes in God, but at the same time I believe the effect of science as well. I know there are drivers who believe in it and don't believe in getting vaccinated, so what they decide is up to them.

As @StandOnIt stated, I hope the Haley situation is a wake up call. However, who am I to judge? It's their respected decisions.
Its not required of the crew either. The Drivers and crews are necessary to put on the show, the suits at the track are not so they can force them to have it. If Driver A doesnt want to get the vaccine for whatever reason and NASCAR suspends them they are hurting the show. If its Chase Elliott you are gonna have a bad situation on your hands or if 15 drivers decide they dont want it you are gonna have a catastrophe. I'm sure teams were surveyed on who would and would not.
NASCAR can mandate vaccination for every single person in the garage if they choose to do so.

Take the shots or stay home.
I can't speak for everyone, but I had it twice within a 7 month period last year, complete with a hospital stay and more blood transfusions than I can count the second time around. Was laid up for months before I felt back to "normal" again. So yes, it is possible to get it more than once, anti-bodies or not...
Probably a dumb question because I am covid naive, did you have it twice or did you get the virus and have two separate incidents? I have heard about long lasting affects and don't know how that works.
NASCAR can mandate vaccination for every single person in the garage if they choose to do so.

Take the shots or stay home.
I'm not sure any professional sport would want to deal with the fallout from that. You know a couple of the stars are going to refuse it.

Not to mention it just opens yourself up for lawsuit. You can't tell people what they medically have to do as long as they're healthy to compete. In no way can you punish someone for a medical condition that they "potentially" can have.

I'll say it myself I chose to get the shot, actually was able to get it very early in the process compared to the general public. However I am not going to in any way tell people that they should or shouldn't get the shot. I also travel all over the country on a near weekly basis and I found that most people that are so strong about the mask/vaccination thing fail to see that there's a whole lot more out there than their own little world. I can tell you right now that if you started enforcing mask mandates and vaccinations on everyone this country would come to a crashing halt as there is a large portion of the people doing essential jobs that will not do either of those things.
Excellent question to which I do not have an answer for.

I got mine largely due to me wanting to see my grandparents, whom of which are heavy smokers, more often and lessen the chance of me catching it and giving it to them. I have family and friends who have family members who would be negatively affected by COVID heavily if I did not do my part in getting the shot
Got mine because when I first approached the wife about my hesitancy the discussion didn't end well. As everyone knows happy wife = happy life.
Probably a dumb question because I am covid naive, did you have it twice or did you get the virus and have two separate incidents? I have heard about long lasting affects and don't know how that works.
I got it twice, once at the end of February, and again at the end of September. The first time was bad, but nothing like the second time. The virus caused (or is believed to have caused) my red blood cell count to gradually drop over time until it became critically low. I thought it was just hangover symptoms from the second bout of Covid until I finally went back to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. By that point, some of my organs had started shutting down and I was rushed to ICU from there. In fact, my blood count is still not where it really should be, but it is slowly getting there. Just had a follow up today with my doctor, and am now waiting on the results of the bloodwork
I got it twice, once at the end of February, and again at the end of September. The first time was bad, but nothing like the second time. The virus caused (or is believed to have caused) my red blood cell count to gradually drop over time until it became critically low. I thought it was just hangover symptoms from the second bout of Covid until I finally went back to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. By that point, some of my organs had started shutting down and I was rushed to ICU from there. In fact, my blood count is still not where it really should be, but it is slowly getting there. Just had a follow up today with my doctor, and am now waiting on the results of the bloodwork
Sorry to hear about that.
I got it twice, once at the end of February, and again at the end of September. The first time was bad, but nothing like the second time. The virus caused (or is believed to have caused) my red blood cell count to gradually drop over time until it became critically low. I thought it was just hangover symptoms from the second bout of Covid until I finally went back to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. By that point, some of my organs had started shutting down and I was rushed to ICU from there. In fact, my blood count is still not where it really should be, but it is slowly getting there. Just had a follow up today with my doctor, and am now waiting on the results of the bloodwork
That is what I heard from a health care professional. She said sometines Covid can attack a person's heart, lungs, liver etc or all of the above. Take care dirtfan you got this.
I got it twice, once at the end of February, and again at the end of September. The first time was bad, but nothing like the second time. The virus caused (or is believed to have caused) my red blood cell count to gradually drop over time until it became critically low. I thought it was just hangover symptoms from the second bout of Covid until I finally went back to the doctor and had some bloodwork done. By that point, some of my organs had started shutting down and I was rushed to ICU from there. In fact, my blood count is still not where it really should be, but it is slowly getting there. Just had a follow up today with my doctor, and am now waiting on the results of the bloodwork
Oh man that sounds awful. Good to hear you are continuing to recover.
I'm not sure any professional sport would want to deal with the fallout from that. You know a couple of the stars are going to refuse it.

Not to mention it just opens yourself up for lawsuit. You can't tell people what they medically have to do as long as they're healthy to compete. In no way can you punish someone for a medical condition that they "potentially" can have.

I'll say it myself I chose to get the shot, actually was able to get it very early in the process compared to the general public. However I am not going to in any way tell people that they should or shouldn't get the shot. I also travel all over the country on a near weekly basis and I found that most people that are so strong about the mask/vaccination thing fail to see that there's a whole lot more out there than their own little world. I can tell you right now that if you started enforcing mask mandates and vaccinations on everyone this country would come to a crashing halt as there is a large portion of the people doing essential jobs that will not do either of those things.
We’re talking about NASCAR competitors / members. The law is clear on this.

IF the sanctioning body chooses to require full vaccination before any of these people go through the back gate people could comply or stay home. Simple as that.

Please note that I did not say NASCAR would go down that road in spite of the fact that they could ... and should, in my opinion.
Its not required of the crew either. The Drivers and crews are necessary to put on the show, the suits at the track are not so they can force them to have it. If Driver A doesnt want to get the vaccine for whatever reason and NASCAR suspends them they are hurting the show. If its Chase Elliott you are gonna have a bad situation on your hands or if 15 drivers decide they dont want it you are gonna have a catastrophe. I'm sure teams were surveyed on who would and would not.
But if they called his bluff would Chase actually tell NAPA no race this weekend due to non complaince.
But if they called his bluff would Chase actually tell NAPA no race this weekend due to non complaince.
I'm willing to bet some sponsors would stand behind their drivers. Likewise some would not. Really depends on the demographic they're appealing to.

I would I expect Busch to for Kevin to do it? Nope. Would I expect bass pro to make their drivers? Nope. I would I expect Liverty university to? Definitely

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I'm willing to bet some sponsors would stand behind their drivers. Likewise some would not. Really depends on the demographic they're appealing to.

I would I expect Busch to for Kevin to do it? Nope. Would I expect bass pro to make their drivers? Nope. I would I expect Liverty university to? Definitely

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You may be right we can only speculate regardless of own personal thoughts.
But if a sponsor could choose not to pay for a weekend over such a disagreement that would also be making major anti-vaxing statememt.
I don't see most corporate players taking that option, NAPA being one of those.
You may be right we can only speculate regardless of own personal thoughts.
But if a sponsor could choose not to pay for a weekend over such a disagreement that would also be making major anti-vaxing statememt.
I don't see most corporate players taking that option, NAPA being one of those.

IMO there's a big difference between anti-vax and allowing people the freedom to make their own choices. I'm part of the second group.

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I kept my distance and relied on routine safety practices to stay away from COVID-19 prior to being vaccinated. That was my responsibility and mine alone. I don’t like crowds of people in general, so it wasn’t hard for me to keep away. Now that I’ve been fully vaccinated for a number of weeks, I have returned to life as normal and are visiting the people I want to visit and going places I want to go without worry for myself or loved ones.

None of this involved caring about what the person next to me thought and I didn’t think of them. I had my responsibilities, they had theirs.

If I’m going to a NASCAR race or another event, I don’t care what other’s around me are doing. I’m vaccinated.
More and more places are allowing full capacities in their stores, restaurants, gathering, and sporting events. Just today, Charlotte announced they'd be 100% capacity for the Coke 600. Even New York City is opening everything back up soon. People need to get used to the fact things are going to be fully open again. If folks are vulnerable or scared, they probably should chose to stay home or mask up.
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