RATE THE RACE: The 55th Daytona 500

I enjoyed it and I can't wait for Dega. But, for you guys that are letting these plate races get under your skin so much...it might be the perfect time to take your sweetie on a picnic during them races. By the time you get home the race will be over and you will have saved up some very valuable brownie points, and then you can focus on the next race. But you might want to take a small 4" tv with you just in case you start having withdrawals before your picnic is over.;) Sorry, I couldn't resist.:)
I watched the 500 on Fox...Fox should rename it Commercials with
sneak picks at the Daytona 500...
Man I did not run a stop watch on the race but if I were to guess
I got to see less than half of the race because of all the commercials FOX ran...
I would be willing to pay 100 bucks to watch Sprint cup on pay for view...
The part of the race I did get to watch was OK ...Give it a 3 on a scale of 5...
After they learn to tweak this car a bit the racing should get a lot better...
He restarted on the high side after the last restart. Keselowski restarted on the inside and fell back.
It looks like Jr figured it out then. I just wished Danica could have went with him.
Danica looked like she slowed down, thinking it was a caution.
Danica looked like she slowed down, thinking it was a caution.

Don't agree ... everyone left her and Biffle high and dry. Biffle is perfectly content with finishing second in Daytona and everyone else knew it which is why everyone followed Jr at the bottom.
I have watched every Daytona 500 since they were first televised from start to finish in 1979. I've seen some snoozers, but this one takes the cake. And here I thought the drivers were just riding around until the end. I give it a 1.5.
Don't agree ... everyone left her and Biffle high and dry. Biffle is perfectly content with finishing second in Daytona and everyone else knew it which is why everyone followed Jr at the bottom.
You are right as usual Andy . Junior and Mark dove low ,then Jimmy went low for the block .That left Biffle and Danica alone in the high lane. Great race though . Thoroughly enjoyed it . 10
I watched the 500 on Fox...Fox should rename it Commercials with
sneak picks at the Daytona 500...
Man I did not run a stop watch on the race but if I were to guess
I got to see less than half of the race because of all the commercials FOX ran...
I would be willing to pay 100 bucks to watch Sprint cup on pay for view...
The part of the race I did get to watch was OK ...Give it a 3 on a scale of 5...
After they learn to tweak this car a bit the racing should get a lot better...
I did put on a stop watch for about 30 minutes, it was over 16 minutes of commercial over that 30 minute period.
Meh, it was pretty slow (no pun intended). I'll give it a 2.25/5 or 4.5/10-it would get lower, but my driver won...
5.. It was the first race in a brand new car so of course it's going to take some time to feel it out. And the end of the race showed that 2 and 3 wide racing is possible in these new cars.

I give fox's coverage of the race a 0 ( can I rate in negative numbers?) I've seen commercial heavy races in the past but today was REDICULOUS! their was literally more commercial time than race coverage. At about halfway I got out my stopwatch and started timing and average they would come back for 4 minutes and go to another commercial! REDICULOUS!
I'm not willing to trash the new car yet. Fans who remember the mid 1990s will know where I'm going here, but the Daytona 500 was pretty consistently a boring race from 1994-2000. If it's anything the 1990s and early 2000s, tracks like Atlanta, Vegas, Charlotte and Indianapolis will put on a much better show.
It's plate racing. It is what it is and it's one of the few times that almost everyone in the field actually has a chance to win it.
I will decline the offer to rate todays race because all of the newbies but especially the multiples hiding behind new names and avatars will try very hard to get me into a pissing contest but the regulars know that I dont do pissing contests so troll on.
It's plate racing. It is what it is and it's one of the few times that almost everyone in the field actually has a chance to win it.

LOL the only people who had a chance to win it was the leaders. As far as passing goes, i barely saw any. Kinda hard to pass when you're playing follow the guy in front of you for the whole race.

At least a two
looks like that chick is eye ****** 50 cent

she wants the magic stick lol
This has to change. The lack of serious competitive racing till the last 30 laps is weak! Even then, the last highly charged Racing is woven in and out of Caution after Caution and what Driving is taking place is to improve their position in the field, not Race for the Win. There is the last precious RACING laps being clocked off at 70 mph in fixed positions. On green, once again, up runs the 48, out front, alone in a line that has been unable to advance without a drafting partner. Predictable, questionable performance decisions, and over the top" Endurance Racing." Only the Endurance part is being suffered by the Fans !!!!!
Rate: Daytona ? Priceless 10+, that race thing go roundy roundy at Daytona a .001
7, Just glad to see racing back on again.

Ditto. Couldn't have said it any better. I refer back to the pizza theory, once again.
The finish definitely could have been better - I think the guys behind Johnson just waited too long to make their moves.

Love the so-called gyro cam.
But I just felt like I had seen it before - and I have.
Take a look at this from back in the day. Go to the 27th minute:

I think JR. wanted her to over MM.
I agree with you. They asked her in an interview if she would do anything different if she had another chance, and she said she wished she had dropped down in front of Jr. What I don't understand is how her crew got the Polaris Razor sharp crew award for keeping her up in front of the pack. It seemed like everytime she did a pitstop she would lose a half a dozen spots.
Hmm. Where do I go with this?

Coverage: 0, if not negative. Can't wait for the caws and jaws report. Is attendance so bad, that they are sabotaging the broadcast so people can justify the ticket prices?

The race: 3 at best.

ND, Danica's crew was doing really good actually. Look at replays, and they had a very lousy gear choice. Even with the best pit box, she couldn't get off pit road for nothing. On one account I saw 2 or 3 cars pass her during a green flag stop because she couldn't get up to speed fast enough.
Great race, no, not by a long shot. Good race, yeah, I thought so. What race besides a short track or a road course doesn't get a little lackluster at times? We had a great time watching the race in our group. The race on the big screen, Jr's in-car audio on one computer and Danica's on another. Had a great time listening to Danica's scanner and their progress throughout the afternoon.

What I don't understand is how her crew got the Polaris Razor sharp crew award for keeping her up in front of the pack. It seemed like everytime she did a pitstop she would lose a half a dozen spots.
Yeah, while she did drop on those pit stops she got right back up front all day until shuffled out at the end. I was checking out the Loop Data Stats for the race. She had the second highest driver rating for the 500. She only trailed Jimmie Johnson in that stat. Her average position for the race was 5th, a tie for the lead. Not bad for a rookie, any rookie.

Even with the best pit box, she couldn't get off pit road for nothing. On one account I saw 2 or 3 cars pass her during a green flag stop because she couldn't get up to speed fast enough.
Yeah, she pretty much lit her tires up every single pit stop coming out of her stall. Not a great way to start that momentum.

Not being a Jimmie Johnson fan put a damper on the end of the race for me. I was glad to see Jr. move up to the front with a possible chance for a win in the end. I was pretty much rooting for anyone other than Johnson of Biffle at the end of that one.
Not being a Jimmie Johnson fan put a damper on the end of the race for me. I was glad to see Jr. move up to the front with a possible chance for a win in the end. I was pretty much rooting for anyone other than Johnson of Biffle at the end of that one.

If you enjoyed 199 laps of that race then you definitely got your money's worth :)

Imagine the Kahne, Stewart, Harvick etc. fans? My guess is they got about 31 laps out of it;)
I agree with you. They asked her in an interview if she would do anything different if she had another chance, and she said she wished she had dropped down in front of Jr. What I don't understand is how her crew got the Polaris Razor sharp crew award for keeping her up in front of the pack. It seemed like everytime she did a pitstop she would lose a half a dozen spots.
I saw the same thing , I didn't think she held position a single time . But I don't think in retrospect she will still think that dropping down in front of Junior was the right move , falling back with him and getting a run on the front two cars was the way to go .
Earnhardt said he didnt know why she didn't come down when he was making his run. I'd have thought her spotter would have moved her down when he seen the #88 coming and she would've likley have won that race. She mentioned that she didn't want to end up in a mess (my words - not hers) on the last lap.

IMO, the #10 or the #16 would've had a good shot if they'd got in front of that #88 and Johnson likely wouldn't have been able to block the #88 the way he did.

Missed the Daytona 500, so I went out and parked alongside I-95 south of Baltimore. Watched for 2 hours, same as 500 except excitement was a tractor trailer ever so often. Best part , no commercials Although I do believe I saw Danica.
Next year I'm going to the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, at least they have Kermit and Big Bird.
I give it a two. What's Daytona if you can't go from 30th to 1st in three laps? Just single-file "racing" except for after a restart. If this was just a regular race, it would have been just an OK one. But this is The Daytona 500, it is supposed to be the most exciting event since the last one. And it just wasn't anywhere close to living up to the hype.
Is everyone blaming NASCAR or their driver for the lack of excitement? Just curious. It seems when 'go time' came around everyone stepped up their game and race. That seems more like driver choice to me.

Exactly. They just want to make it to the end. Why race 3 wide with 185 laps to go?

What I find funny (or sad) is that people that are already writing off the Gen 6 car based on an anomalous race.
I don't know how much was car and how much was driver, but it does seem like year after year I'm mad at one of my favorites who waited until too late to try to make a move to the front. I kinda think the new car made the single file racing worse this year, though. Maybe they'll get it figured out.
If you enjoyed 199 laps of that race then you definitely got your money's worth :)

Imagine the Kahne, Stewart, Harvick etc. fans? My guess is they got about 31 laps out of it;)
That is the reason that I usually have a favorite driver and then a couple backups. I am not usualy a Harvick fan, but for this race I was kinda hoping he could win his third race for that week, but after he wrecked I still had two cars left.
Excellent commentary by Dave Moody on the lack of 'racing' in the 500. I'm sure most here will disagree but I think he hit it spot on.

Blame The Pilot, Not The Airplane

Disappointed in the lack of side-by-side racing in Sunday’s Daytona 500?

Don’t blame NASCAR’s new, Generation 6 race car.

Much of Sunday’s 2013 season opener was spent in single-file formation, with drivers huddled passively against the outside SAFER barrier, logging laps, playing it safe and attempting few – if any – passes. A number of drivers expressed unhappiness with the race’s “better safe than sorry” tempo, with Jeff Gordon complaining via in-car radio, "I think we're fast enough to get past a lot of these cars. If (someone would) step out with us, we could make it work."

Eventual second-place finisher Dale Earnhardt, Jr., sang a similar tune, telling crew chief Steve Letarte, “Nobody wants to go with anybody.” Clint Bowyer groused in a midrace Motor Racing Network radio conversation, “I’m getting antsy. I keep asking (crew chief) Brian Pattie, `Can I go yet? This is boring!’”

And yet, no one broke from the rank and file until the final 20 laps, when a ho-hum Daytona 500 suddenly turned into a no-holds barred nail biter. Finally off his leash, Earnhardt busted out the first in a series of scintillating three-wide moves, catapulting his National Guard Chevrolet through the middle of a snarling pack of race cars en route to his second runner-up Daytona 500 finish in the last four seasons.

While Junior hammered away in Daytona's dangerous middle groove, Jimmie Johnson staked claim to the supposedly unworkable inside line, gathering up a handful of drafting partners and overhauling leader Brad Keselowski in the last of 28 lead changes on the day. Johnson held off his hard-charging Hendrick Motorsports teammate by a car length at the line to claim his second career Daytona 500 victory, and even he executed his post-race victory burnout, unhappy fans clogged social media with complaints and demands for major rule changes.

“Why couldn’t they do THAT all day long,” they asked. “Why were the first 180 laps so boring?”

The answer has nothing to do with rules, and everything to do with intent. The final 20 laps of Sunday’s race proved beyond all doubt that NASCAR’s new car can compete side-by-side, if the drivers elect to do so.

So why did they wait so long to release the hounds Sunday?

In the aftermath of a savage Nationwide Series crash that rained debris into the grandstands and sent more than two dozen fans to area hospitals a day earlier, a certain degree of discretion was perhaps understandable. Veteran Mark Martin gave voice to that sentiment, saying, “I was happy we were able to race and not have a huge accident.”

In Victory Lane, Johnson indicated that the scarcity of parts for the new, Gen-6 cars may also have played a role, saying, "When we were running single file, we were just trying to get to the finish. We've all crashed so much. I believe a lot of competitors wanted to get to the last pit stop and then race for it, instead of tearing up their equipment."

Bottom line? The drivers could have raced harder yesterday, but chose not to. Blame the pilot, not the airplane

Earnhardt attempted to calm the fan base after the checkered flag, saying, "The car is doing everything we hoped it would do. The package is really good. The (track) surface is still relatively new. If we had the old surface with this car, it would have been an incredible race, people sliding around and wearing tires out.
"We're headed in the right direction," he said. "Today, for some reason, it just felt like we're on the right track as a sport. That's got me really excited.”
NASCAR’s perennial most popular driver said a few minor “tweaks” – a little more rear spoiler, perhaps– could produce spectacular racing in the circuit’s next restrictor plate race, at Talladega Superspeedway in June. Sprint Cup Series champion Brad Keselowski agreed, saying Earnhardt was “spot on” with his favorable assessment of the new car.

A minor rule change may ultimately be in order, but a better, more competitive attitude on the part of the drivers will help even more.

When the desire was there Sunday, the drivers could race.

They just needed a little more “want to.”

from here.
Wow NASCAR!!!!! Race, or should I say get in line kindergartner's, we are walking to lunch now; sucked worst than ever!!!! Seems to be a common theme every forum I look at! How about we all force NASCAR's hands, and force them for a public apology to the fans, that make NASCAR what it use to be! I vote for a boycott on NASCAR, because that's the only way it will change. Drivers won't strike, strikes don't work anymore in todays world, but, let me tell ya, a boycott will!!!! Just one race, with not a single fan in the stands, will hit NASCAR right were it hurts, their pockets!!!!! That is the only way they will realize, that they have messed up so bad, that people don't want to watch anymore, and it isn't because of the drivers either! Earnhardt, you will always be remembered, and I know, your rolling in your grave, saying "WHAT FRIGGIN IDIOTS!!!!!!" If he was still alive today, He would be in Bill Frances office this morning, chewing him a new butt hole, like he did many times while he was here!!!!
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