Bonehead of the Week: Chicago


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
I'm gonna go with the people *****ing about TV coverage.

They put Allen Bestwick in the booth, they did "Nonstop" coverage and they had live streaming online and on mobile. Yet fans are still saying ESPN didn't do enough.

I'm quickly taking the attitude of "at least the ****'s televised."
I'm gonna go with the people *****ing about TV coverage.

They put Allen Bestwick in the booth, they did "Nonstop" coverage and they had live streaming online and on mobile. Yet fans are still saying ESPN didn't do enough.

I'm quickly taking the attitude of "at least the ****'s televised."

Race is over, lets talk to Tony. Bye.

Switch to one of the 86 sports update episodes ESPN plays day in and day out on 4 channels.
does anyone know if kenseth asked for help or did yeley just think he was doing a favor?

maybe johnson and harvick will help the busch brothers in a chase race!:D
I'm gonna go with the people *****ing about TV coverage.

They put Allen Bestwick in the booth, they did "Nonstop" coverage and they had live streaming online and on mobile. Yet fans are still saying ESPN didn't do enough.

I'm quickly taking the attitude of "at least the ****'s televised."

It was me :eek:

I was upset with our IT Dept at work because they picked today to start blocking half the things on the internet :mad:

Thank you to everyone on here for keeping me informend on the race.

About 14 to go I grabbed my laptop went out to the parking lot and pirated a neighboring business's wireless :D so I at least was able to see everyone running out of gas!
It was me :eek:

I was upset with our IT Dept at work because they picked today to start blocking half the things on the internet :mad:

Thank you to everyone on here for keeping me informend on the race.

About 14 to go I grabbed my laptop went out to the parking lot and pirated a neighboring business's wireless :D so I at least was able to see everyone running out of gas!

You should have been there. It was unreal.
does anyone know if kenseth asked for help or did yeley just think he was doing a favor?

I read that Yeley said kenseth didn't want help but he pushed him anyway. I guess JJ is the only person in Nascar who doesn't know that rule. I noticed that Kenseth was swerving around trying to get away from him lol
Either way, Kenseth broke the last lap rule and deserves to be penalized - which he was.

Andy, I fail to see where anyone was *****ing about the race coverage:confused: Maybe it was on your twitter or something but I just don't see here, on this board :confused:
It was me :eek:

I was upset with our IT Dept at work because they picked today to start blocking half the things on the internet :mad:

Thank you to everyone on here for keeping me informend on the race.

About 14 to go I grabbed my laptop went out to the parking lot and pirated a neighboring business's wireless :D so I at least was able to see everyone running out of gas!

I really wouldn't consider what you said as bashing ESPN.
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