2014 Richmond - Toyota Owners 400 - Pre Race Thread

We can say all that we want on here but the teams are the ones with the numbers. I gotta go with what they are saying over the engineers on this forum.

The drivers are free to talk now. Once the shut fines start they will be loving it.
I think Kentucky is a Commonwealth too. From what I can tell...the only difference is "Commonwealths" tend to have better roads. Of course that's not saying much comparing them to Tennessee.
I think Kentucky is a Commonwealth too. From what I can tell...the only difference is "Commonwealths" tend to have better roads. Of course that's not saying much comparing them to Tennessee.
"Under the Constitution, all Commonwealths are also States, and as you know, all States in the U.S. have similar forms of government and supposedly equal powers. Four States refer to themselves as Commonwealths: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky "
I missed the N'wide race and am afraid to open the thread. Did they fit it in last night? It's on the DVR allegedly but I haven't been home yet.
I missed the N'wide race and am afraid to open the thread. Did they fit it in last night? It's on the DVR allegedly but I haven't been home yet.

THey did get it in, but it didn't start until 10:30 and was moved to ESPN2 around 10:50, so the DVR is probably going to let you down.
THey did get it in, but it didn't start until 10:30 and was moved to ESPN2 around 10:50, so the DVR is probably going to let you down.

Dang, dang, and double Dang!

Figured I may as well hit the sack early since all I have is ESPN and ESPN2. Oh well....
Let's go #18!

Raceday. Smoked pork back ribs, corn on the cob, potato salad, cold beverages and a night race. :)

I always have a soft spot for Richmond I.S....first time I ever went to a NASCAR race and we pulled up to park about 300 yards from the place and I heard those engines...wow...those don't sound like our local boys...it was just a Saturday night race and "Handsome Harry" won it...then went back to the motel and drifted over to the lounge to find out that the "Labonte clan" was staying there and were holding court. What a cool night (and early morning)....heard some great Labonte stories...not many about racing though :D
I think the Waltrips must have been hitting some pretty strong cough syrup today.:D
DW is hard to take sometimes but mikey makes my stomach do flip flops anytime he's on so I mute the TV when he's on and listen to the radio.
Anyone know why Hammond's not with Chris & DW in the booth anymore? No offense to MW, but Hammond is really good... U guys agree?
I like what DW is saying about the start of the season. Daytona then.... Stay out west, stop driving back n forth... Better weather, less driving! Good plan, I hope they make those changes!

And DW is right. Bristol and Martinsville's dates are atrocious. Stay out west, then hit Texas, Talladega, Atlanta and then hit Bristol or Martinsville.
Pit Walk during the anthem = fail
edit: I saw the flag being carried into the track, Larson had his hat over his heart?
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