John Force/Peak

Nitro Dude

Hauler Driver and Cylinder Head Maintenance
Feb 14, 2011
Orange Ca
John Force has finally announced his 5 year deal with Peak.
John Force has finally announced his 5 year deal with Peak.

Has he said what make of car he will be in yet???? Big John Force Fan I live in So Cal I was watchen him back when he first got going......Saw him at Orange Co many many times...
Has he said what make of car he will be in yet???? Big John Force Fan I live in So Cal I was watchen him back when he first got going......Saw him at Orange Co many many times...
No, that's the best kept secret out here. No one is talking. We are all curious.:)
No, that's the best kept secret out here. No one is talking. We are all curious.:)
Yeah it sure is and in the mean time hes loosen crew chiefs couldn't believe it when Prok left and then Medlen that was a huge shocker.....wonder whats going on there is it the not knowen if John was gunna find a sponsor and make or what???
Yeah it sure is and in the mean time hes loosen crew chiefs couldn't believe it when Prok left and then Medlen that was a huge shocker.....wonder whats going on there is it the not knowen if John was gunna find a sponsor and make or what???
And the team is flooding social media with gopro videos. Think they are grasping for any publicity straws they can get.
And the team is flooding social media with gopro videos. Think they are grasping for any publicity straws they can get.
Really wow would never think a JFR Team would ever have to do something like that......whats next Courtney gunna drive a IRL Car???
Really wow would never think a JFR Team would ever have to do something like that......whats next Courtney gunna drive a IRL Car???
Don't give them ideas....already hearing rumors that he might end up in a flopper.
Don't give them ideas....already hearing rumors that he might end up in a flopper.
Bob Tasca Sr was instrumental in getting Ford and Force together, When he passed away I thought there might be changes, When the grandson Tasca started racing I knew it would only be a matter of time.
Bob Tasca Sr was instrumental in getting Ford and Force together, When he passed away I thought there might be changes, When the grandson Tasca started racing I knew it would only be a matter of time.
Just a shame that Ford wants out of the NHRA.....
Glad he went Chevy
Question for @Nitro Dude Is there any difference in the F/C bodies between car makers?Because it doesn't look like much.
Yeah! JFR in bow ties! I can get behind this..
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