2025 schedule news/rumors

I've got one of their dishwashers.

Top notch. :cool:
I have one too. The top seven or eight units as ranked by Consumer Reports are all Bosch, as are most of the top 15. It does a great job of getting dishes clean and it's ultra quiet, but loading dishes can be tricky. The racks have plenty of slots for plates but not much space configured for bowls. We use more bowls than plates, and our Fiestaware bowls are relatively wide and high-sided bowls. Getting more than four or five bowls in there without them clanking together becomes a challenge. Coffee cups can be a problem in the top rack too. I've read that Bosch is a European brand, and that the plates, bowls, and cups there are smaller than what we're accustomed to in the U.S. Definitely consider them if you're looking for a new d/w, but take along a plate, bowl, and glass to check for fit.

@aunty dive , thanks but I never got into the 'police procedural' genre.

This does not look like a web site that's ready to sell tickets next Friday. No seating diagrams, no prices, have to click the 'Contact Us' button to find a phone number.
It's almost certainly built out and sitting waiting for someone to go into the CMS and switch the pages to public.
It's almost certainly built out and sitting waiting for someone to go into the CMS and switch the pages to public.
Yeah, but I'd expect at least some of the info to be up. I can understand having the ordering mechanisms on standby, but grandstand diagrams and prices? Seems to me that's the kind of stuff you'd want people to see in advance. Knowing in advance what seats they want will speed things up on the first day.
This is what I don't understand. Why in the world is a night race bad for TV?
Because every night is already booked with sports. With the great influx of immigrants they spend more time with the sports from their countries.
Look at these damn immigrants taking up valuable night tv time watching baseball in 1935

The big sports channel in Canada is TSN. Take a look at their tv schedule. Nascar, which they have the Rights for in Canada, can be pushed back for European football.
Call your content provider. Advise them that TSN has 5 channels.

Perhaps they can hook you up with the other 4.
The big sports channel in Canada is TSN. Take a look at their tv schedule. Nascar, which they have the Rights for in Canada, can be pushed back for European football.
Buddy I know you live in the Canadian bubble, but down here soccer is just as capable of screwing up the racing. All the billionaire TV weasels care about is the bottom line and how they can squeeze one more buck out of the viewers.
I'm sure when the immigrants aren't out eating the neighbors dogs and cats it is they alone who watch soccer. Never mind all of the school, and college kids that play. I have watched parts of matches waiting for the race to start and I like it a whole hell of a lot better than the American version they call football, but not enough to be called a fan.
All I've gotten from this is Immigrants to Canada watching soccer is why NASCAR can't have night races...
I'm sure this thread is about real close to being shuffled to the Podium. Non-Podium members get your last words in now!
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