Force crash

I don't see any good news. Lateral move. From one ICU to another much more focused ICU. NOT an "upgrade". Fact Britney taking weekend off says to me, the Doctors didn't give the family the impression his survival/recovery is a given. He's not in "recovery". He's still in that window of does he survive.

Nobody likes this. I sure don't like it. Just realistic.
The good news is that he is alive.
Correct. Fact Britney stayed isn't good news for him recovering and being old John. But human body is amazing thing. Just never know how things will go. Just an ugly situation.
75-year-old humans heal slowly.
Have you seen my shed thread? Maybe 3 hours of "work" a day is enough for this 66 y/o. Then go lay on ice pack to get back to quit screaming.

I can't imagine how he feels if allowed to regain consciousness. I'd bet he's in medically induced coma. Best way to let the brain heal. Why he's still in ICU. Not sure how some feel any discussion is being negative? Is it speculation? Barely. It's how brain injuries are treated. Not trying to diagnose him, just saying...
I can't imagine how he feels if allowed to regain consciousness. I'd bet he's in medically induced coma. Best way to let the brain heal. Why he's still in ICU. Not sure how some feel any discussion is being negative? Is it speculation? Barely. It's how brain injuries are treated. Not trying to diagnose him, just saying...

I have a Google scholar profile because of my published, peer reviewed work on dementia (I've also worked in medical facilities and in patient facing roles!) and I am making the specific effort to not try to speculate about what his issues are in spite of also having a good guess that no one needs to read. I don't know! It's OK to not know!
The long awaited report on John Force sure explains a lot from the past week. Real happy to read it sounds promising from here on out. At least that's what I'm getting out of it.
Yes. That Britney isn't racing this weekend scared me. Must have been serious doubt about which way this would turn.

Had two friends with very severe TBI's. One was so bad, when they opened his skull to release pressure, large section of brain popped out. Was all kinds of wrong color. Docs gave him less than 5% chance of survival so removed significant section. Was in induced coma for several months. Nearly 6 months in, he just freaking woke up. Didn't know most of his family but oddly knew exactly who my dad was. I mean every detail of their relationship. Guy was lead mechanic at family business. One of his first visits to the business somebody said something about hot water tank was out and they couldn't get it lit (gas). He just went over and lit it like he'd done plenty of times before. Brain is a weird thing.

Other guy was a complete arsehole/drunk/fighter/woman beater. One night, drunk, flopped Jeep on it's side 1/4 mile from the bar. Coma for 3ish months. Docs said doubted he's be able to walk/talk/feed himself. Nope. Woke up one day and pretty much remembered everything. Repeated conversations visitors had while watching over him. But he wasn't the same person. Only outside symptom was his speech but only if you knew him before. Tone was different, slower, quieter. Oddly enough never drank a drop after. Completely changed his attitude. Basically just a better person, by most standards, after the injury. Got married, got good job, just completely straightened his life out. Not so much scared straight, more like a different person entered his body. Was pretty weird.

Both grandmothers had severe strokes. Not same but has parallels.

So for those that feel the need to criticize me...I'm not a doctor. Haven't even stayed at Holiday Inn recently. But more experience with this stuff than most. Really puzzles me why some get so offended by a conversation. Uncomfortable convo? Sure. I need to talk thru this stuff. For anyone that doesn't, just ignore my posts. It's that simple. I post, you just scroll right on past. It's not hard.

Unless it makes you feel good to beat up on those you feel are weaker than you. Then just punch away. Says more about you than about me.
I believe in medical science. Not so much in tots & pears. Anyone needs to pray, have at it. I'll stick to the science.
He's recommending that you show empathy to Force, Force's family, and his fans, not that you tell us what you know about TBIs from anecdotal experiences. I too believe in medical science but that isn't the ask, homey.

Similarly I saw Shirley Muldowney show up and make this into an argument about helmet companies on Facebook and I dunno that such was the right tact given that Force was wearing a top of the line, multi-thousand dollar helmet post-investigation into Medlen's death.

That's encourging. Thankful that he is able to walk and talk, hopefully he will recover well enough to spend time with his family and get many years of great times with the grandchildren.

As for the drag racing I think it has been a great run and he has nothing else to prove.

I hope that I have not said to much for an outsider. Just wishing him all the best.
Force is back in California where he will do his rehab. He had ice cream with Brittany on her Birthday. He looks good. Here is the reason his chutes didn’t deploy.
They said that the frame in the area of the chute trigger and lever collapsed during the engine explosion , causing the cable length to close and not leave enough throw to deploy the chutes .
The safety system did work as designed. They supposedly held meetings with drivers and crews to oversee their systems since there is no set standard system in the rules.
Force is back in California where he will do his rehab. He had ice cream with Brittany on her Birthday. He looks good. Here is the reason his chutes didn’t deploy.
They said that the frame in the area of the chute trigger and lever collapsed during the engine explosion , causing the cable length to close and not leave enough throw to deploy the chutes .
The safety system did work as designed. They supposedly held meetings with drivers and crews to oversee their systems since there is no set standard system in the rules.
They didn't say where he went, only that it was a 3 hour AirMed ride. All of airMed's learjets are around 450-500 mph cruising, their propeller plane is 280 mph. So I figure a 3 hour ride puts him somewhere in the Dallas, StL, or Denver area. the part about the program having previous racers also confused me, I expected it to be a doctor in Indianapolis given their nature of bodily abuse.
They didn't say where he went, only that it was a 3 hour AirMed ride. All of airMed's learjets are around 450-500 mph cruising, their propeller plane is 280 mph. So I figure a 3 hour ride puts him somewhere in the Dallas, StL, or Denver area. the part about the program having previous racers also confused me, I expected it to be a doctor in Indianapolis given their nature of bodily abuse.
I was told a rehab near his home but maybe that info was wrong. Del Worsham called me yesterday I should have gotten some information from him because he would have know for sure where John’s at. But we we’re discussing other things and I never brought up John in our conversation.
It seem like a long road to recovery, but progress is a good thing.
C'mon man. He slapped the wall at over 300mph, his parachutes didn't deploy to slow him down any. He had a fire, he's in his 70's. He or anybody else would be lucky to still be alive after that.
C'mon man. He slapped the wall at over 300mph, his parachutes didn't deploy to slow him down any. He had a fire, he's in his 70's. He or anybody else would be lucky to still be alive after that.
I must be missing something, I was trying to be positive.
I'd assume will be available somewhere else very soon for those that don't do The Book of Faces.
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