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    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      Something has taken the edge off when getting out of chair. Tomorrow morning will tell the tale. Need to start doing my Jane Fonda...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      Meloxicam & Baclofen
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      20ish miles. All "interstate" so not bad. Says I'm a whoosie. Arthritis mainly. Gave me couple prescriptions and a shot of some sort...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      My guess for today: XRays & here are some pills. If the pills don't make it better in six months, we'll send you to therapy. If that...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 reacted to Nitro Dude's post in the thread Deegan update with Love Love.
      I love his Downloads. That being said...I am my own professional proof, but I'm glad he backed me up. :D
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      Interesting. It's Raleigh Orthopaedic Clinic. My spell check says WRONG! Map shows it. Good thing looked at map because it's not where I...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      Tomorrow's appointment is for 1:15PM. I'm always 45 minutes early. I'll locate the Doc office, then go to fast food joint to kill time.
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Dirt Late Models 2024.
      I can't believe the car didn't break when he bicycled twice thru that huge hole. Was an impressive run.
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Deegan update.
      Exactly. Listen to the latest Dale Jr Download with Mark Martin for professional proof.
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 reacted to Nitro Dude's post in the thread Deegan update with Like Like.
      I will answer one of them for you. Unless they are fitting a driver for a seat, pedals, steering wheel, roll cage height, "and I will...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Storage building.
      11AM appointment tomorrow @ Raleigh Orthopedic. 11:30 Aug 8th to get sebaceous syst removed. Back spasms have been relieved...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Deegan update.
      My comment wasn't directed at any one individual. Just addressing the whole concept of how a driver should use their time. Really don't...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread Deegan update.
      Because there are no answers. Just lots of people talking about how she's wasting HER time. It's hers to waste. Same as the guys...
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread 2024 Next Gen Car.
      Change what?
    • KTMLew01
      KTMLew01 replied to the thread 2024 Next Gen Car.
      Just dump the brake & wheel package. Go back t a 15" steel wheel with inner liners. NASCAR pays for the parts. They decided to recreate...
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