I Had No Idea This Existed

aunty dive

Team Owner
Mar 17, 2014
Should probably pay less attention to tire compounds, the Bernoulli Principle and stuff like that.

“DRIVER AMBASSADORS: The Driver Ambassador Program that NASCAR started this year appears to be off to a good start, with agents and sanctioning body leadership among those saying they think it will become an important pillar of the sport’s marketing efforts.

The program is based around a proprietary digital app that NASCAR set up with athlete brand-building software company INFLCR, with a points system that ultimately will result in cash payments to drivers depending on the quantity and quality of their promotion of the sport. Sources say the program involves a scoring system on the app in which drivers are ranked 1-5 based on their star power, with the reigning champion getting one additional point.”
I know I've seen something about it here before this discussion, but searching for the word 'Ambassador' didn't turn it up. I recall it spawned another round of accusations about how some drivers don't do enough for the sport or can't do enough because they have no personality.
Should probably pay less attention to tire compounds, the Bernoulli Principle and stuff like that.

Known to not have many, if any, principles . . .

Back in the 1980s, my Bride sand I owned a Rent-A-Wreck franchise. We started with four used cars and a van and grew from there. Our fleet consisted mostly of Chevy Novas, Chevy Citations and Chrysler K cars. We had a few AMC Concords and Hornets.

Those AMC cars were tough and relatively trouble free. We had little things go wrong like the glove pocket latch failed or a door handle came off but as a rental they were one of the best cars we had in our fleet.
We bought a Pacer and Gremlin and rented them but they were purchased mostly for advertising purposes.
Should probably pay less attention to tire compounds, the Bernoulli Principle and stuff like that.

“DRIVER AMBASSADORS: The Driver Ambassador Program that NASCAR started this year appears to be off to a good start, with agents and sanctioning body leadership among those saying they think it will become an important pillar of the sport’s marketing efforts.

The program is based around a proprietary digital app that NASCAR set up with athlete brand-building software company INFLCR, with a points system that ultimately will result in cash payments to drivers depending on the quantity and quality of their promotion of the sport. Sources say the program involves a scoring system on the app in which drivers are ranked 1-5 based on their star power, with the reigning champion getting one additional point.”

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