My complain isn't focused on the drivers. They're contract workers who do what they gotta do. My complaint is, as you state is partly with MA__AR itself for allowing this S&P thing to proliferate. It should have come to a screeching halt back a few years ago (in 2004 I believe) when James Finch showed up on race day with (1) a driver - Joe Ruttman if I remember correctly, and (2) a car. No crew, no "War wagon," no tires, no gas can, no tools no nothing. Finch made it plain from the start that he was only there to collect last place money.
I find Nemechek doubly at fault because he not only is a driver but also the team owner. In his claim that S&P'ing will get him a quality sponsor, he reminds me of the pitiful guy who stalks some cute girl in the belief that she'll give me a date. It just ain't gonna happen.
I disagree completely about your example, Yeley, getting noticed in a &SP effort. Maybe, out there somewhere, there is some team owner who would take notice of a driver who is instructed to "Save the car," from the drop of the green flag. Speaking for myself, if I were looking for a driver to drive competitively I'd look for a competitive driving chauffeur, not some guy motoring around at the back of the pack for the first 20 or so laps of a race.
For sure you boy, J.J. is capable of that but he's under orders to "Compete" differently. It's my belief that a S&P driver quickly earns a label of "Loser," and he/she does themselves more harm than good by accepting such a ride on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Yeley. he's a hell of an open wheel driver and I would rather see him in a competitive car for Gibbs than Master Joey (That's an entire other discussion). But, as you put it, he's earned over a $million. I have no idea what his cut of that amount is but I bet he and his family aren't getting their bread from day-old stores and their dining out doesn't involve the Salvation Army. In taking a S&P job he's just part of the problem and not of the solution. But, he's just the driver so I can't put the blame totally, or even mostly, on him.
I think I remember, earlier in this season, reading about some chick in the Cup Lite Series who got a lot of positive recognition for refusing to drive a S&P entry. Since them I think she has become a semi-regular S&P'er and what notice has she received from that?
If you finish consistently below 30th place, you'll be known as a driver who can finish no better than 30th, as unfair a perception as that might be.
I never agreed with the whole concept of start and park, no where on the local level do you see it , it is total bull**** if you ask me. And so is the TV contract that is suppose to guarantee 43 cars to fill the field?? Ummm who the hell came up with that, why don't they guarantee all the seats in the stands be full too? I'd rather see 30-36 very competitive cars in the field rather than an extra 7 that just take away any valuable sponsor money from the teams that actually have a chance in hell in being competitive.