A new semester starts for me


Kurt Busch fan
Aug 2, 2010
Kennewick Washington
I am giving math another go round. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, please. I have to pass this math class. It's a must!!!!!

I'm sitting here in the library before class and my hands are shaking. I need to calm down. I'm always nervous before a first class but this is ridiculous.
Take a couple deep breaths....and give it your best shot. You'll be fine.
I love math and I have found that the people who DON"T do well are always looking at the negative. Learn to enjoy it and it will be a friend for life.
I love math and I have found that the people who DON"T do well are always looking at the negative. Learn to enjoy it and it will be a friend for life.

Let's put it this way, I don't hate it. I just struggle with it. If I go away from it for any length of time, I forget it.
Let's put it this way, I don't hate it. I just struggle with it. If I go away from it for any length of time, I forget it.
I just walk into another room and forget why I am there. :)
I just walk into another room and forget why I am there. :)

You're so funny. *chuckle*

Wow, I just did my homework for Comp 100, it's a computer apps class. I am going to learn so much in this class. I am amazed at the first lesson. I am ready to take the exam but I'd like so study some more first.

Now, in 1/2 hour, I head to math. Wish me luck tonight.
Let's put it this way, I don't hate it. I just struggle with it. If I go away from it for any length of time, I forget it.
Don't worry..... not all of us enjoy math. We tolerate it. Everyone needs to know the basic concepts.... (something that is not taught anymore. like the multiplication tables and adding and subtracting. This is very evident when you go into a fast food restaurant and give the cashier an extra penny.... and when the cash register goes down , you have to tell them how much change you should get back)......... What I don't like is mandatory Trigonometry , geometry, and stuff like that. Only a small amount of 1 percent will ever use that in life, yet it is sometimes required to graduate. A much better choice to me would be courses which deal with real world situations you might deal with.
Let's put it this way, I don't hate it. I just struggle with it. If I go away from it for any length of time, I forget it.

The best way to retain something is to apply it to something you are interested in. I'm not sure what specific math you're working on, but I am sure you can try to apply it to something racing related. Try to answer something you're interested in with what you're learning.

A really good site for brushing up on things is Khan Academy. Check it out if you haven't been there before. It's free and well organized for many different levels on several subjects, especially math.
The best way to retain something is to apply it to something you are interested in. I'm not sure what specific math you're working on, but I am sure you can try to apply it to something racing related. Try to answer something you're interested in with what you're learning.

A really good site for brushing up on things is Khan Academy. Check it out if you haven't been there before. It's free and well organized for many different levels on several subjects, especially math.
Khan academy is the sh*t! I love it.

I love math and I have found that the people who DON"T do well are always looking at the negative. Learn to enjoy it and it will be a friend for life.
yeah, no. Im definitely more of a writing/poetic/creative person & math is the worst. I can look at the positives all day & still barely get by. The only way for me to understand it is with practice & repetition. That means doing every practice problem in the back of the chapter till I can do them in my sleep. Still doesnt mean I do well in math. Everybody has their strengths & weaknesses in school.
Khan academy is the sh*t! I love it.

yeah, no. Im definitely more of a writing/poetic/creative person & math is the worst. I can look at the positives all day & still barely get by. The only way for me to understand it is with practice & repetition. That means doing every practice problem in the back of the chapter till I can do them in my sleep. Still doesnt mean I do well in math. Everybody has their strengths & weaknesses in school.

I am the opposite, I could never get along with my teachers in English, especially when they ask "What was this writer thinking when he wrote this?" What are you a mind reader I say.
Math is important in many ways but more so in the trades.
Honestly, I am in a remedial math working my way towards statistics.

I always thought fractions were supposed to be my friends. Last night, they were not. I am going to have to take a second shot at a fractions test. Please don't laugh, I made dumb mistakes. I have to score an 80% to pass the test.

I also have to take a Comp 100 exam tonight too. This class is an online class. Math is in person.
You'll do fine. Just don't psyche yourself out. Embrace it and develop a good foundation. Putting in the effort is 90% of the battle and it sounds like you're quite determined. Keep it up.
You'll do fine. Just don't psyche yourself out. Embrace it and develop a good foundation. Putting in the effort is 90% of the battle and it sounds like you're quite determined. Keep it up.

Man, you guys are so smart. I do psych myself out. I get so scared that I'm not going to pass my tests. How do I get over that? Tell me oh smart ones.
I compare learning math to learning a foreign language. The best way to understand the concepts is REPETITION. Instead of solving a problem once, solve it 10 times even if you know you achieved the correct answer your first try.
I compare learning math to learning a foreign language. The best way to understand the concepts is REPETITION. Instead of solving a problem once, solve it 10 times even if you know you achieved the correct answer your first try.

I agree because for basic Math there is only 2 functions.
Multiplication ( division is the reverse)
Addition ( subtraction is the reverse.)
Everything else is a product of those two.
Funny story: my step son had a hard time with his multiplications so I made him write it out a 100 times.
He didn't have a problem with 7x8 but couldn't remember 8x7 :)
Hang in there, lisa. I share your math fears.
I did fine with basic arithmetic. When I got to high school, and they told me letters = numbers, I managed
to squeak through. Strangely enough, trig was a blast.

And everyone is correct, repetition is the key. You'll make it. :)
I passed my multiplying fractions test but just barely. whew I read the directions wrong on one problem, dumb, dumb, dumb. *facepalm* So I should have just missed one problem instead of 2.

Now it's on to Division of fractions. :)
Hang in there, lisa. I share your math fears.
I did fine with basic arithmetic. When I got to high school, and they told me letters = numbers, I managed
to squeak through. Strangely enough, trig was a blast.

And everyone is correct, repetition is the key. You'll make it. :)

I have a tutor, TRL. I'm going to make him earn his money, so to speak,
I compare learning math to learning a foreign language. The best way to understand the concepts is REPETITION. Instead of solving a problem once, solve it 10 times even if you know you achieved the correct answer your first try.

The problem is time, I have 2 classes that take up my time and I work 2 jobs. I do my best but I don't always have the time to do something 5 or 10 times.
Oh yeah and I passed my comp 100 exam today too. yay!!!!!! Now it's on to reading Chap 1, Introduction to Word.
I have a tutor, TRL. I'm going to make him earn his money, so to speak,
The problem is time, I have 2 classes that take up my time and I work 2 jobs. I do my best but I don't always have the time to do something 5 or 10 times.

You should be thinking long-term, not short-term. Sure, solving the same math problem multiple times may take up a lot of your time now, but you will be more comfortable and knowledgeable about the concepts down the road. This will allow you to eventually have more free time because you will be able to solve problems quicker and more accurately.

I also want to point out that there is no such thing as "not enough time" for students. Your studies should be your main priority until you graduate. I am currently a full-time college student who works 60 hours per week, plus dedicates 20-40 hours per week towards college (attend college 355 days per year). It can be done if you are disciplined and motivated.
You should be thinking long-term, not short-term. Sure, solving the same math problem multiple times may take up a lot of your time now, but you will be more comfortable and knowledgeable about the concepts down the road. This will allow you to eventually have more free time because you will be able to solve problems quicker and more accurately.

I also want to point out that there is no such thing as "not enough time" for students. Your studies should be your main priority until you graduate. I am currently a full-time college student who works 60 hours per week, plus dedicates 20-40 hours per week towards college (attend college 355 days per year). It can be done if you are disciplined and motivated.

All I know is I do my best. I will try to some of my problems over to get them down pat, that is all I can do. IN this class, we have over 2000+ problems to do to pass this class.
All I know is I do my best. I will try to some of my problems over to get them down pat, that is all I can do. IN this class, we have over 2000+ problems to do to pass this class.
Do you by chance follow a strict schedule every day/week to work on your assignments? If not, I strongly recommend you do so. The worst thing a student (especially college) can do is complete their homework "when they have time". If you follow a regular schedule it will make your life MUCH easier.

I'm not sure how long your current math class lasts, but I will assume it's 10 weeks. So, if you have 2,000+ problems to complete I would work on 30 problems every day. If you complete 1 problem every 10 minutes, that equates to only 5 hours per night.
Do you by chance follow a strict schedule every day/week to work on your assignments? If not, I strongly recommend you do so. The worst thing a student (especially college) can do is complete their homework "when they have time". If you follow a regular schedule it will make your life MUCH easier.

I'm not sure how long your current math class lasts, but I will assume it's 10 weeks. So, if you have 2,000+ problems to complete I would work on 30 problems every day. If you complete 1 problem every 10 minutes, that equates to only 5 hours per night.

I do my school work in-between my jobs and in the evening so yes, I have a schedule.

I wound up really kind of liking my Professor. I had him in another class and did not like him at all. This time I am seeing him in a new light and am enjoying him immensely.
you're not a whippersnapper anymore, decide to change careers?? :idunno:
I like my job now but I can't make a living at it plus I don't want to do it for the rest of my life. I really really want to do something creative and get my diploma. With this diploma, I will be able to go into specializations like web page design and development or graphic multimedia design and development. I have narrowed to those 2 choices. I am so excited.
Maybe it will help if you step back from the numbers for a minute, and look for repetitions and relationships between those numbers.
Lots of numbers (and problems) can be overwhelming. But if you look at the process of solving problems you'll notice that the steps and methods of attack repeat. Once you figure out how to solve problems the numbers themselves are just details to insert.

The good thing about math is that once you figure out the rules and methods, each problem has only one correct answer. Most other subjects have extenuating circumstances (or variables) that yield answers in shades of grey instead of black and white.
I find myself procrastinating today with homework. I need someone to talk to me. I am feeling overwhelmed. I just need a kickstart.
You don't want me to talk to you....I am the Master Procrastinator.
Why do today, what you can put off 'till tomorrow? :idunno:
You don't want me to talk to you....I am the Master Procrastinator.
Why do today, what you can put off 'till tomorrow? :idunno:

I finally did some work yesterday and today. I'm still a little behind but I'm really going to put my nose to the grindstone tomorrow and get caught up. I did really well in Comp100 tonight. I got some homework done without my tutors help. :cheers:
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