ABC's Of Phrases

I stand corrected, I guess.

penny wise and pound foolish
Actually, I now stand much more corrected as I thought a little more on it. In seeking to correct a misquote I inadvertently made a rather large one myself in omitting "kinds of" from the verse as well. It certainly isn't the root of ALL evil, but certainly the root of many kinds of it. My apologies.

Reality, what a concept!

(quoting Robin Williams)
Actually, I now stand much more corrected as I thought a little more on it. In seeking to correct a misquote I inadvertently made a rather large one myself in omitting "kinds of" from the verse as well. It certainly isn't the root of ALL evil, but certainly the root of many kinds of it. My apologies.

Reality, what a concept!

(quoting Robin Williams)
I was wondering who it was.

sexy is in the eye of the beholder
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