Alexa, Order More Watermelon

Capt. Bill is a African gray that ironically belonged to a fishing boat owner, Bill Smith. When he passed away his wife kept Capt Bill. She fell, broke her hip, surgery and rehab. Her son took Capt to his house. Bucky can't say 3 words without a f bomb being one of them. Seriously
MrS Smith is a wonderful woman, and a church goer. She didn't appreciate the new phrases Bucky taught him
''some a**holes at the door''
''Christ I need a effin beer''
''I don't need this effin shiit''
''answer the effin phone''
She went off the deep end when Bucky brought him back.
He now lives with Bucky and his vocabulary is endless.
I worked for a lady that had one. The bird kept saying "Here Roy" or just "Roy". I asked her who Roy was. She said it was her X husband. Next time I was over there the bird was gone.
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