Anyone going to Rockingham?

  • Thread starter RaceIpsaLoquitur
  • Start date


I'm heading there Sunday with a client. Wondered if anyone else here will he there.

Any ARCA fans afoot?
I'm sure the majority of us would be huge ARCA fans if we could see more races, but such as it is, few are available for the entire nation.
I will be going next year.

And, alas, here we are at next year. I've got reservations made in Wadesboro and I've got press credentials through the speedway (which means I don't have to answer to ARCA:rolleyes:).

I just got a nice big check today for $160 and two more coming later this week. :beerbang:
I'm sure the majority of us would be huge ARCA fans if we could see more races, but such as it is, few are available for the entire nation.

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