ATLANTA ---- RACE thread

Yota has blown a bunch of engines this year. did I hear right it was a experimental engine anyway?
ah yes I thought I heard a pop off to the east. could that be another Toyota..oh hail yes. That is the new experimental model...the Exploda
The left rear tire looks a little low in the #22 there... did Todd Gordon remember to put all the air pressure in it this time?
Joey crew did good...Kurt was at an angle...Joey will be on the bottom for restart.
he'll be 15 back withoua win at least
Yeah and if Kenseth finished in crap last at Dover or some place like he is want to do in the Chase and Bowyer finished 5th he is solid. It's like the playoff seeding for the ball and stick sports. Helps but I think you still got to perform. My two cents.
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