BB3 Sat nite...


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Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
discussion later, but cutiepie- after watching the live feed I dislike Roddy even more//2 faced SOB.

Is it on at 8pm there too? PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Yeah on at 8:00pm we have three hours till it's on here. We don't get it live either on Thursday!! But yeah, Robby is really something else......Jason screwed up big time last week.
Don't let out the stuff until later........thanks.
No problem DE, Rayna and I have an agreement about that. Too bad that some others seem to take offense to mutual respect.

so for now, as I watch, shhhhhhhhh to others who think they are doing a "favor" by discussing the show before 8pm PDT.
Good Job, Marcellus.
I think he wants them BOTH gone!!
But will anyone use the power of VETO this week???
I can't believe how mean Marcellus was to Amy. He went way too far in dissing her in front of everybody and on camera. At least Roddy was kind enough to talk to her one-on-one. The other girls didn't seem too pleased either. Roddy should be gone now, but I think Marcellus is next. His queen act seems to be growing old. Then the girls will probably get rid of Jason. Leaving Danielle, Lisa, and Amy. Unless Jason gets HoH at the right time, I just don't see him making it to the end(too bad he is sooooooooo cute).
Kimi, do you get the live feed like cutiepie and I do?
Amy was really ditzy, into everyone else's face, and acted like she was "First Lady". I lost a lot of respect for her this week and don't blame Marcellus one bit. There was a lot more going on than the edited for tv show, believe me.
I KNOW WHO WINS VETO!! Don't know if that person uses it or not yet!!!
I now know if the person uses it or not...LOL SHould be a good show Wensday
Originally posted by kat2220
Kimi, do you get the live feed like cutiepie and I do?
Amy was really ditzy, into everyone else's face, and acted like she was "First Lady". I lost a lot of respect for her this week and don't blame Marcellus one bit. There was a lot more going on than the edited for tv show, believe me.

No I don't get the live feed and I can understand how Amy could get on anybody's nerves. But Marcellus is supposed to be all about style and what he did to her had no style at all. If she really is his friend, he could have sat her down in his private room and told her everything he wanted to without doing it in front of everyone else.

And another thing where does a fashion consultant or whatever get off thinking sandals and white socks looks good. They make him look even gayer.

He forgot the golden rule of shows like this, "Make no enemies". This will come back to haunt him and he will be gone before Amy. JMO
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