Ben Blake article ---

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Yes turtle it was because it was unmaned and didn't have equipment for the instument flying, or something like that.
i believe he said because it was unmaned. but not exactly sure
i just checked a web page on the dega airport and it says that there is NOT a control tower. the planes need to radio into birmingham.

anybody on this site that is a pilot, who has flown into Martinsville or Dega. How was it?

ill ask my brother if he has ever flown to either on of those next time i see him. i know he says LAX, O'hare, and La Guardia are not the greatest places to land a plane.
Well, I will say this and then I am done with this thread. I am getting too dang ticked to continue!!!!!!!

To: Betsy,
Are you trying to tell us all that that pilot was suicidal????
He had a death wish?????

I don't really think so. Until you become the know all, and end all,
and elevate yourself to "walking on water", don't even try to
make fact out of the fiction in your head.
Nuff, Maire, aka Dragonlady
Originally posted by dragonlady424@Oct 27 2004, 07:22 PM
Well, I will say this and then I am done with this thread. I am getting too dang ticked to continue!!!!!!!

To: Betsy,
Are you trying to tell us all that that pilot was suicidal????
He had a death wish?????

I don't really think so. Until you become the know all, and end all,
and elevate yourself to "walking on water", don't even try to
make fact out of the fiction in your head.
Nuff, Maire, aka Dragonlady
Howdy DL
You went to public school didn't ya? Where you came up with suicide I will never know.. No what I said is the pilot made serious errors in judgement when he did not follow the lead of the first 20 pliots that aborted and did not attempt to land at that airport.. Then he failed to know where the mountain was and he flew his plane into that mountain and in so doing he killed all the passangers and his copilot. All of these lives were his first responsibility... Pilot error is what I said.
Betsy :wub:
Betsy, for the love of god, please shut up! You weren't on the plane, nor do you even know what happened on the plane, so you have no room to speculate!! Just be thankful that your here and alive... We all wish they were still alive, too.
Yeah, that needs to be remembered, Betsy. Some here are very hurt by this and no good is served by speculation of this type. You have stated countless times you assume pilot error. Irregardless of that opinion, the endless button pushing needs to stop now.
Hey dudes I am saddened too. talking about something will help anyone that is sad and has no one else to talk to. Ok I won't say you know what anymore. I guess I am just mad at some of the things that we do trusting that everything will be Ok. I do not intend to mess with anyones feelings. I simply thought some things had to be said. Sorry again.
Betsy :wub:
Well, it seems that this thread has gone as far as it can. Betsy, I guess that you didn't, or rather won't, accept the fact that there might be someone who posts here that has personally met one or more of the people who perished on that plane when it crashed. And, just so you know, there IS. Your cold, callous, and overall disregard for that fact amazes me. And, you using the "love" smilie is just a further slap in the face.

Therefore, consider this thread closed. I hope any further discussion that comes about regarding this accident will find a kinder and gentler tone in regards to everyone's feelings.
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