Bonehead of the week: Phoenix II


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Powell, TN
I saw very little of the truck race, none of the Xfinity race, and some of the Cup race. But my bonehead of the week goes to my local NBC station that showed the press conference where Tennessee announced it had fired Butch Jones as its football coach. This was at 5:00 when the race was winding down. They had the race in a very small box in the corner, couldn't read the leader board. While Denny Hamlin was wrecking, it was hard to tell what was going on. They are my bonehead.
I saw very little of the truck race, none of the Xfinity race, and some of the Cup race. But my bonehead of the week goes to my local NBC station that showed the press conference where Tennessee announced it had fired Butch Jones as its football coach. This was at 5:00 when the race was winding down. They had the race in a very small box in the corner, couldn't read the leader board. While Denny Hamlin was wrecking, it was hard to tell what was going on. They are my bonehead.

Interrupting a race with anything about football is unforgivable IMO
Yet another reason I'm grateful most NASCAR content is on cable networks - they never preempt scheduled programming for whatever is happening with the local teams. I'm sympathetic with those who don't have any option except over-the-air, but I still remember the days when local stations dropped the network feed to cover Southeastern Bumphuque Tech & Mechanical State.
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Yet another reason I'm grateful most NASCAR content is on cable networks - they never preempt scheduled programming for whatever is happening with the local teams. I'm sympathetic with those who don't have any option except over-the-air, but I still remember the days when local stations dropped the network feed to cover Southeastern Bumphuque Tech & Mechanical.

Agreed 100 percent. The ABC years were pathetic.

One time, the Fox station where I lived at the time cut out of the Daytona 500 for a special report on the blizzard and stayed on the air until after the race was over, then went back to the 500 telecast just in time for the postrace show. I'm still pissed about that.
Denny Hamlin gets my vote. All he had to do was let Chase go and stay ahead of Brad and he lives to try again in Miami.
How About NBC ? Commercial every 6-8 laps. If they're going to show that many I wish they would get some new ones. I have the current ones memorized
Tie. nbc = nothing but commercials and hamboner. There is a nascrap nonstop commercial going on during the race 100% of the time. Look at the top of the screen, or its a split screen with an insurance commercial going on. At one point there was 25% of the top of the screen and 25% of the bottom of the screen doing advertisements and 50% of the center of the screen on the race. just think of the poor bastards who dont own a flat screen tv yet. Then there's the toyoder race update so we can see where all the goo jibbs cars are running. The sport is in trouble so throw a deluge of commercials at it, theres thinking outside the box. Nascrap could sell those unused empty seats with more advertising. Yes a huge banner covering up the fact that they didnt sell any tickets!
Blinkie burton and leotard are as annoying as having a piece of popcorn husk stuck in your throat.
Dear nbc, the only program I watch for commercials is the superbowl.
It's become so commercialized that people are tuning out. People want to see a tv screen full of racing ( wow, what a concept!) from top to bottom. That is pretty much why they watched in the first place. The channel changer gets a work out when they go to a commercial and when it happens every 5 minutes,?? Sometimes it never gets flipped back. "it beats the hell out of no coverage at all"? Thats what I'm going to, no coverage at all because its too many mind numbing commercials. IMO less commercials would be a step in the right direction. I used to watch from green to checkered, now I watch the last 20 or 30 laps only---in mute mode-- 1.5 miler tracks, I dont even bother anymore.
I don't pay nearly 200 a month to watch commercials .....
I doubt your paying $200 for a racing channel. I pay $8 for TSN ( The sports Network)
and that gives me Xfinity and Cup races, most qualifying ans all the other sports as well.
In the us you cannot buy one channel. You buy a package or tier in addition to basic cable. Those tiers add up by the time you get to one that has Nascar covered. There''s talk of a la cart pricing but it is not available most cable companies
In the us you cannot buy one channel. You buy a package or tier in addition to basic cable. Those tiers add up by the time you get to one that has Nascar covered. There''s talk of a la cart pricing but it is not available most cable companies
I don't know if it's available outside the US but a $39.99 streaming package through Playstation Vue includes all of the channels that NASCAR content is broadcast on.
In the us you cannot buy one channel. You buy a package or tier in addition to basic cable. Those tiers add up by the time you get to one that has Nascar covered. There''s talk of a la cart pricing but it is not available most cable companies
I don't use Cable, I use Satellite and we buy a package then add single channels.
Satellite works the same as cable around here . Basic then packages, by the time you get to one that has racing it can get expensive.
Same here. packages/tiers to get what ya want. Then we get a bunch of crap that I dont want is include. Its "bundled" so internet, phone, tv -$195 here.. cancel the phone and its still $195 --- 5 tv's or cable boxes. Satellite around here means signing a contract. Not for me. Cant wait to choose my channels, but i'm sure they will find a way to raise the rates.
There is a news channel that i enjoyed. HLN with Robin Mead. 1 hour long. I stopped watching for these reasons. First 12 minutes commercial free. Then 4 minutes and 2 minutes of adverts for 15 minutes or so. The last 20 minutes is 30 seconds of news and 4 minutes of adverts, that is not exaggerated what so ever, and the same ones over and over again. I havent watched in over 4 years.
nbc w/ nascrap is going overboard w/ adverts, one of the big reasons I've been turning away.
Same here. packages/tiers to get what ya want. Then we get a bunch of crap that I dont want is include. Its "bundled" so internet, phone, tv -$195 here.. cancel the phone and its still $195 --- 5 tv's or cable boxes. Satellite around here means signing a contract. Not for me. Cant wait to choose my channels, but i'm sure they will find a way to raise the rates.
There is a news channel that i enjoyed. HLN with Robin Mead. 1 hour long. I stopped watching for these reasons. First 12 minutes commercial free. Then 4 minutes and 2 minutes of adverts for 15 minutes or so. The last 20 minutes is 30 seconds of news and 4 minutes of adverts, that is not exaggerated what so ever, and the same ones over and over again. I havent watched in over 4 years.
nbc w/ nascrap is going overboard w/ adverts, one of the big reasons I've been turning away.
So you're NOT paying $200 for racing and ads, you're paying $200 for racing, ads, Internet, and phone. That's about what I'm paying with my Windstream / Dish Network bundle, but only $120 of that is for the TV service. The other $80 is for the phone and Internet. You don't have to buy the bundle, but it's almost always cheaper than buying those services separately. Cut the five boxes back to one.

Good luck finding ANY delivered content that is both free and commercial free.
Tie. nbc = nothing but commercials and hamboner. There is a nascrap nonstop commercial going on during the race 100% of the time. Look at the top of the screen, or its a split screen with an insurance commercial going on. At one point there was 25% of the top of the screen and 25% of the bottom of the screen doing advertisements and 50% of the center of the screen on the race. just think of the poor bastards who dont own a flat screen tv yet. Then there's the toyoder race update so we can see where all the goo jibbs cars are running. The sport is in trouble so throw a deluge of commercials at it, theres thinking outside the box. Nascrap could sell those unused empty seats with more advertising. Yes a huge banner covering up the fact that they didnt sell any tickets!
Blinkie burton and leotard are as annoying as having a piece of popcorn husk stuck in your throat.
Dear nbc, the only program I watch for commercials is the superbowl.

Those empty seats that wer located coming out of turn 2 are actually still under construction. They cant sell tickets for seats in grandstands that aren't done yet. I should know because I WAS THERE
Gawdamighty, who in the Free World doesn't own a flat screen yet? If a person can afford cable or satellite, they can have it turned off or lapse at the end of the contract. With the money they'll save in three months, they can easily buy a 42", and that doesn't include what they'll save on the power bill. That's regular non-sale prices, not Black Friday. I think I was the last tubed hold-out among my small social circle, and even I ditched that six or seven years ago. Hell, even the set in my garage is flat.
I've always pretty much supported the VA drivers since I live here, but could never deal with Denny Hamlin. I haven't liked that doofball since day one. Always liked Rick Mast, Ricky Rudd, and the Burton bros. I didn't mind the Sadlers, but I was never a big fan.
Those empty seats that wer located coming out of turn 2 are actually still under construction. They cant sell tickets for seats in grandstands that aren't done yet. I should know because I WAS THERE

So was I ..... did you have a good time ?
Hell yeha, I've been going there since 2013 and I have never seen them racing as close to the wall as they were. I also got michael waltrips autograph AND saw Mike Helton!
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