Brian France Answers Fans Questions.


Farm Truck
Feb 26, 2013

France also discussed other topics such as:

Slowing the cars to enhance competition: “We are very committed to getting rule packages that create more side-by-side racing. That’s the hallmark of what we do. That’s what we wake up every morning trying to do. I’m confident that we’ll make the racing, which is already very good - and, by the way, statistically better than it ever was - but the standards are higher and we’re going to meet those standards and create the best racing in the world, that’s our job.’’

On Dodge’s departure and if they’ll return: “We were disappointed that they decided to take a break. We would love for them to take another look. I think at some point they will. There’s some other manufacturers that are always looking. The one challenge, though, is it’s very difficult to come in unless you have a long view as Toyota did because the best teams right now are obviously spoken for and under contract. It’s not only expensive, but you have to, if you’re a manufacture, be ready for the first number of years to be difficult and lean and tough. That’s not always what companies are looking for. They want to have a little bit more of short-term success. In our situation, that is hard.’’

On input NASCAR has with tracks when tracks make changes to the surface: “We have a lot of input. Here’s the good news: That every track on the circuit wants exactly what we want. They want the racing to be close, tight, competitive. They want to take care of their fans. From time to time, though, they’ll make a change, trying to get the racing better or whatever they may think is helpful, and it may not work out that way. I can tell you - I deal with all the operators on a daily basis - the last thing they want to do is change their track where the racing isn’t what it needs to be. When they do, and sometimes they do it accidentally or unintentionally, they want to make it right. So you need to know that. They’re all trying to get to the same place, great NASCAR ... racing.’’
I heard the interview with him on NASCAR Radio this morning. The audio link should be out there somewhere to hear the rest of what he had to say.
Thanks for posting the link. I hadn't heard all of that before. I don't think many others here have either or there would be a lot more discussion on some of what he said last night. After listening to him I don't think that we are too far away from a lot of changes to this sport.

Granted..... It is somewhat tough to listen to him go on for too long.
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It wouldn't let me skip over the commercials and announcer B.S., But before the wankers do what they do, how many multi millionaires, or league big wigs are this accessible? most are hidden behind walls and walls of B.S. and PR spinners.
“We’re working on the (race) format of the future, maybe it’s a little bit different, maybe it’s more than a little,’’ he said. “We also, I would tell you, we are not satisfied that we have the exact balance we want with winning, consistency, points, running for a championship."

“We think we can make some tweaks to continue to incentivize risk-taking and racing hard. We’re looking at that. We’ll undoubtedly be coming with things that put the incentive on winning races and competing at the highest level.’’

What else can they do to incentivise winning? I'm looking forward to seeing what they come out with this time lol... anyone have any ideas what they could do? Seriously.. More bonus points? Only winners make the chase? I just don't see wins ever being more important than consistency and am not sure how they could change any of that... should be interesting.
I'd bet we are going to start seeing what amount to multiple competition cautions introduced throughout the race similar to television timeouts in the NFL or regular intervals of cautions similar to innings in MLB.
I'd bet we are going to start seeing what amount to multiple competition cautions introduced throughout the race similar to television timeouts in the NFL or regular intervals of cautions similar to innings in MLB.

What????? :rolleyes:
Yep, it is. To me it is every bit as stupid as his idea of the Chase system.
I've loved Nascar for 60 years but I've got hunting and fishing that I also love so if that happens fuk'em.
“We’re working on the (race) format of the future, maybe it’s a little bit different, maybe it’s more than a little,’’ he said. “We also, I would tell you, we are not satisfied that we have the exact balance we want with winning, consistency, points, running for a championship."

“We think we can make some tweaks to continue to incentivize risk-taking and racing hard. We’re looking at that. We’ll undoubtedly be coming with things that put the incentive on winning races and competing at the highest level.’’

What else can they do to incentivise winning? I'm looking forward to seeing what they come out with this time lol... anyone have any ideas what they could do? Seriously.. More bonus points? Only winners make the chase? I just don't see wins ever being more important than consistency and am not sure how they could change any of that... should be interesting.
If they want racing all race long divide the race into quarters and give bonus points for leading those laps.
one of the things that was actually discussed (if anybody listened) was trying to get more prime time races. that would be a good deal, night races are all good IMO. Competition being closer, proven statistically is another good point that the car changes are getting better...ok, back to the hysterical ninnying.:) I was waiting for Fender to call in about the back windows
one of the things that was actually discussed (if anybody listened) was trying to get more prime time races. that would be a good deal, night races are all good IMO. Competition being closer, proven statistically is another good point that the car changes are getting better...ok, back to the hysterical ninnying.:) I was waiting for Fender to call in about the back windows
are the ratings really that much better at night then sunday afternoon? I never make to the end of a night race fall a sleep and have to look on the computer to see who won.
Brian and TRL are both talking about tweaking..Jeremy would know something about that I would think.o_O
are the ratings really that much better at night then sunday afternoon? I never make to the end of a night race fall a sleep and have to look on the computer to see who won.
This guys does pretty good work and did some analysis on it back in the summer:

Night racing doesn’t look too good from a television perspective. All other race characteristics (track type, television station, etc.) held equal, running an evening event erodes the audience by roughly 12%, according to the reported coefficient value [ -0.118 * 100 ]. For example, a race that draws a 4.0 during the day earns just a 3.5 at night [ (-0.118 * 4.0 ) + 4.0 ]. Obviously, exceptions such as the Daytona summer race exist (and what about that idea of running weeknight races?); but in general, the proliferation of night racing has a significantly negative effect on the interest-level of NASCAR.
Damn stoogie, I didn't think you would be thru eating your big plate of sponsor's fleeing Nascar crow yet.
I hope all this competition caution talk is just that, talk. If NASCAR were to do this, what would be the point of watching any of the race prior to the last competition caution?
Thanks for posting the link. I hadn't heard all of that before. I don't think many others here have either or there would be a lot more discussion on some of what he said last night. After listening to him I don't think that we are too far away from a lot of changes to this sport.

Granted..... It is somewhat tough to listen to him go on for too long.

Brians talks could use a few cautions.
I hope all this competition caution talk is just that, talk. If NASCAR were to do this, what would be the point of watching any of the race prior to the last competition caution?

it is, it wasn't even mentioned in the interview, but you know how it is around here, we make our own rumors out of thin air. :)
I listened to this the other night on the radio and after all uuhh-ing and you knows, I kinda felt like he spun every question as far away from a real answer as possible. Like every politician does. I'm glad some of you guys can sift through the mess and come up with real (or realish) news.... cause I ain't been able to!
There is no need to have competition cautions. Instead, change the event structure to include three fifty lap heat races, a consolation race and a 100 (plus?) lap feature race. Points awarded for first ten places in heat race with largest number of points awarded in feature race. See? no more competition cautions and the yellow flies only when there is a real wreck. No more putting out the yellow when a car spins and gets out of the way before the leaders come around again and the other b.s. they use to close the field. GEE! What a novel idea! We could return to the roots of racing and still see 3, 4 or 500 mile/lap races.
There is no need to have competition cautions. Instead, change the event structure to include three fifty lap heat races, a consolation race and a 100 (plus?) lap feature race. Points awarded for first ten places in heat race with largest number of points awarded in feature race. See? no more competition cautions and the yellow flies only when there is a real wreck. No more putting out the yellow when a car spins and gets out of the way before the leaders come around again and the other b.s. they use to close the field. GEE! What a novel idea! We could return to the roots of racing and still see 3, 4 or 500 mile/lap races.
No thank you.
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