Can NASCAR race in the cold?

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I don't see why they couldn't race. It would probably be either the fastest race run or a low grip wreck fest if they did, track temp is such a key factor. "When the sun goes down the speeds go up" would be pushed to the limit.

But beyond all that I just have to sit back and laugh at what you all consider cold.
Sure they can. Even in the snow. I saw it in a Coors Light commercial.
For expected real cold weather racing, I would think they would need a different tire to maintain grip. Of course those tires might last 1/2 a fuel run at best.
I know when flying its always best to fly in the cold-easier to climb, engine actually makes more HP. I bet NASCAR is the same. The colder denser air has more punch.
I've sat through many sub-40 races. Atlanta, Rockingham, Bristol, etc. I was at the Bristol weekend DUN24 mentioned in post #12. It snowed on each of the three days that weekend. I remember flurries while I was walking through the souvenir trucks; a couple of them had put out Christmas lights.
Well, they didn't race on this day at Atlanta, but it is pretty neat to watch the video by CMT at the track. I have been to Atlanta several times when it snowed and they did race.
I switch between my summer and winter tires when the average temp is about 45 degrees. Summer tires don't have much grip below that temperature. (I consider slicks summer tires).
I know when flying its always best to fly in the cold-easier to climb, engine actually makes more HP. I bet NASCAR is the same. The colder denser air has more punch.

Denser air also provides more lift which is one reason helicopters do so poorly at high altitudes
I change from winter air to summer air in the Spring and summer air to winter air in the Fall rather than go through the hassle of switching tires.
I also change my blinka fluid, blinker for those who live outside of New England every 3,000 miles
I'm not sure about Atlanta, but remember this ish?
i've pushed away ice and snow on seats at Bristol quite a few times. Once at Bristol was the coldest i've ever been. mid March in those mountains were sometimes mighty cold.
I change from winter air to summer air in the Spring and summer air to winter air in the Fall rather than go through the hassle of switching tires.
I also change my blinka fluid, blinker for those who live outside of New England every 3,000 miles
We did that to a kid in the Army one slow day. We had him rotate the air in the tires.
As far as racing in the cold goes..... I've also attended many races with some dang cold temps. Many March dates @ Bristol were less than desirable.
I sent a kid down to the parts store to get a radiator cap for my Corvair and about an hour later the kid came back and said the parts guy said they must not make them for that model any longer.
I'm not familiar with a Corvair. Can I assume that's comparable to sending him after antifreeze for '63 Beetle?
I'm not familiar with a Corvair. Can I assume that's comparable to sending him after antifreeze for '63 Beetle?

I had a 1963 Corvair Monza Spyder and it was an air cooled engine like a VW except it had 6 cylinders. The engine was rear mounted as well.
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