Can someone please explain to me the context for why NASCAR issued this statement???

Gee, I wonder why the ACLU hasn't taken this up in court. :sarcasm:
Uh- Uh as he waves his hand in the air, I know I Know, is it because they are heaven forbid (whispers Biased). We are expecting 60 to 70 thousand this year but when it was where "who gives a sh!t about your sexual orientation" we got over a hundred thousand so economics is not a factor, fair treatment is.
Sexual discrimination is alive and well in my home town of Pensacola Florida only its against heterosexuals. We had a Pensacola Beach Commissioner that was gay and on his own he declared Pensacola Beach/Santa Rosa Island a gays only haven on Memorial Day weekend which effectively closed Santa Rosa Island for everyone but gays and lesbians and they arrive by the thousands. We can still go there but they don't want us there so they harass us to no end until we leave.

The ordinance reads no crocs in jorts , it doesn't say no hetro sexual's in crocs and jorts.Either way , sorry Johali.:D
Here's something that was all over the internet yesterday calling NASCAR out. It was being tweeted and retweeted to anyone/everyone that monitors #NASCAR. I'm guessing this is it since NASCAR now follows the cyber world more closely.....

from here.

So are we suppose to throw a parade for anyone who comes out? Perhaps we should give him a national holiday? I'm pro gay rights but that doesn't mean that the world has to stop every time someone comes out.

Yes that should've been posted in the podium I know. lol
While we are addressing peoples feelings or inclinations, we need to realize another group that has been discriminated and shunned by Nascar.

Hussies are people and have feelings too and they provide a priceless service to the entire world.
Miss Sprint Cup also needs to be able to come out, be feminine don some heels, tight form crevice fitting hot pants and strut her stuff like a natural born women.
If Collins has his rights which I support, then please for the love of Nascar, let the men look at some women, and respect it. I just cant help it I was born that way, so give us some girlie women Nascar while you are trying for the look of the local community or America.

Good looking tarts are also American. Stop the injustice now, it isnt a choice it is a need.
'Cause pit lizards need love too.:D
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