Carl Edwards to run for US Senate from Missouri?


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
from jayski.....

From Terry Smith, a political science professor at Columbia College in Columbia, MO and a regular commentator on KBIA's Talking Politics:

"One more unrelated thing, and remember where you heard this first. Carl Edwards, the recently-retired NASCAR driver and hometown hero, will run against [Democrat] Claire McCaskill for the Senate seat in 2018."(KBIA)(1-25-2017)
Why not, we've already decided celebrities are now politicians
NASCAR's Carl Edwards does not rule out US Senate run in '18

Edwards didn't exactly rule it out when reached by The Associated Press. He texted: "I believe firmly in the principles that the U.S. was founded upon. If I could help, I definitely would consider it."

Edwards also stressed that has no such plans at the moment, but also quoted Gen. Douglas MacArthur: "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation."
Why not? He's articulate and smart. He would probably do very well on a canpaign trail. He's used to dealing with people and press all the time.
If I am remembering right, when someone asked him at his retirement presser if he was going into politics, he laughed it off.
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