Casey Anthony walks...

Nancy Grace= Moronic annoying *****
yep. my wife drives me crazy when she listens to that screeching bi***. luckily it's not very often. she is the only television personality that somehow sneaks her way onto tv in this house. who's this rush guy anyway? what's olberman (another screecher) been doing since he left espn?
She'll be on this kick for at least a year or two. Her and geraldo have been analyzing the trial ever since it ended. She's shocked, shocked I tell ya, that the jury found her not guility.:eek:
I actually didn't follow this trial at all along the way. I just don't care about this kind of stuff for the most part. I lost much of my faith in the judicial system when 12 people somehow decided that OJ was not guilty despite a ton of actual physical evidence, including a ton of DNA evidence being presented. I have now watched several shows, interviews, etc and I pretty firmly believe that while she seems like a pretty horrible mother and a pretty lousy person in general, the state just plain did not prove that she killed her daughter.

I actually have sat on a jury in a criminal trial and I have a pretty firm grasp of what the judge tells the jury before they deliberate. It seems that while she may have "acted guilty" in the eyes of many, that is not evidence.
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