I love that show, and his other one Ramsey's kitchen nightmares.
What always gets me with Hell's kitchen is .... how apparently totally unprepared the contestants appear. I know there's the pressure and all that .... but seriously .... to begin the show, make your signature dish .... and fully half of them aren't even cooked through. Jesus wept, c'mon people. This is supposed to be your best dish, and you don't know you don't have time to cook it? Personally, given the time ... I'd hand him an empty plate, look him in the eye, and tell him straight off that, with that time frame, I couldn't put together anything I'd put my name to. Bugger his standards ... I wouldn't plate it if it weren't up to mine.
Some folk call him foul mouthed ... I say (as my father would) that he simply calls a spade a spade without sugar coating it.
I loved that one guy was reduced to tears (c'mon, a cowboy hat??? you knew you were looking stupid) and one girl nearly fainted. Pressure? Damn right you've got pressure. But this is a cakewalk compared to what you'll have to deal with if you win. Personally, I'm amazed that the two previous winners still have their restaurants. Neither one of them was anywhere near ready to run it. Although, from the second show, it was painfully obvious that Heather (already a sous chef) was the only one that even approached the skills necessary. Prison chef, short order cook ... gimme a ****ing break. Take another 4 years of culinary school and call me.