Cup RACE thread --- Darlington

I wouldn't want to be the next guy that hits Buescher in the door. Dude needs to be out for blood after the last 2 weeks
And when he finally does something, after how he’s been raced the last two weeks, they will be some up and arms about it. Hell I saw people on Twitter already acting like he shouldn’t have been mad, like what? Lmao. Crazy
I was rooting for Buescher but Reddkck is good clean driver. I have a ton of respect for him, it is the Darlington and shiet happens.
Does anybody know the difference between the 15 teams allowed to redo some of their wraps today and the Trackhouse (#1) car being penalized for redoing some of theirs at Vegas? Got me baffled.
Does anybody know the difference between the 15 teams allowed to redo some of their wraps today and the Trackhouse (#1) car being penalized for redoing some of theirs at Vegas? Got me baffled.
The stats show Chastain started in the 20th position at Vegas. He finished 4th.
For those that couldn’t hear what they’re saying. Poor Chris is desperate to win one, I hope he will soon.
Todays 8th place finish moves the 48 team into the 9th place in the points standings. It’s good to see that team going in the right direction.
Prepairation meets oppourtinity, keep running near the front and ready for it to happen and on some fine day it will happen.
So the fastest car won...who would have thought. Kind of thought Brad was sand bagging at times. Like towards the end of stage 1, he was 4 seconds behind second place with 4 laps to go and ended up, side by side at the green checkered.
Two weeks in a row he was crazy good on a long run.
Is NASCAR going to penalize Blaney for coming out on the track with a wrecked car after being told to take it to the garage? As much as I like Blaney, this was dead wrong and NASCAR needs to address this as a serious issue. Blaney could have taken the 24 out or another car in the field if something had broken on his car or he lost control.
Is NASCAR going to penalize Blaney for coming out on the track with a wrecked car after being told to take it to the garage? As much as I like Blaney, this was dead wrong and NASCAR needs to address this as a serious issue. Blaney could have taken the 24 out or another car in the field if something had broken on his car or he lost control.
I wouldn't be surprised if he got a phone call. He was in his car for one and not out on the track throwing things.
I want add that no one should be dogging this car. It’s brought back old school racing. Short tracks and road courses are the only blip
Is it really the car though or is it once again having a track where there is some tire fall off making things more interesting and the racing better? It's funny - I was talking with a childhood friend this weekend and he used to watch NASCAR with me back in the day but has since lost interest like many others. It really showed in the conversation when we talked about races when we were kids in the late 80's to mid-90's and there was always a sense of excitement because tire wear was a thing most of the time and so was attrition due to engine/part failures which been all but eliminated. I remember even if your driver was dominating there was a sense of "will the engine hold up? Were they too aggressive on shocks/camber to the point they may blow a tire? That edge and sense of excitement is gone as these tanks just don't break other than rear tow-links.

Overall though, Darlington was a good race and some awesome side-by-side rubbin's racing. I also think Kes had the best car but it was not so dominant that others could not race with him. I have to say that (not even as a fan of Chase) it was a real head scratcher how far Chase missed it in qualifying. I don't think the car was terrible in race trim but just not good enough to pass all those cars. It was a real surprise with the momentum they cam in with. Still ma have had a top 10 if not for the bad pit stop late though. Also puzzling was how far off the 20 was. Oh well. Everyone has those days. On to Wilksboro.
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