Cup RACE thread ---- Las Vegas

Starting 20th and slow in practice. Yep, Hooters curse lives on!
What is the yellow tape on new tires for? Is it to help the carrier index the wheel on the car?
First time we got to hear a few seconds of the pack's engines spooling up at the start of the race without screaming gerbils
I think they should spend more time talking about the right rear tire.
And there's absolutely no wiggle room??
I think they did hold it by several seconds, but say they do hold it. They have to make it up sooner or later, and that could as easily be during a lead battle too; plus y’all would complain about how little racing there was between the commercial breaks.
Adjustment made to the 9 last stop absolutely killed the nose. Sinking like a rock. Oh well.
I think I should be allowed to say something about the commercials, because I never really do. Normally it’s because people complain when they miss a wreck. That’s different than going to one during a battle. IMO.
If someone crashes they usually delay the commercial by a few moments. It has been done multiple times before.
It's been almost like clockwork this year that as soon as they go to commercial I hear Eddie D'Hondt say "caution's out, back her down." over the radio
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