I wonder how many more times D.W. will change his mind about #14's two tire strategy?
LOL at DW..."and how many races has it been since Edwards' won a race?"
Uhh...that would be two Darrell.
LOL at DW..."and how many races has it been since Edwards' won a race?"
Uhh...that would be two Darrell.
Ummm, how many times does dw look stupid during a race? Too many to count...
What's the rules on tires that get away...
What's the rules on tires that get away...didn't the 99 have a tire that rolled into another pit box? I though you had to maintain control of tires at all times?
If your JJ an official will chase your tire and catch it lol. Yeah I thought if a tire went out of the pitbox you got a penalty.