Dale Jr - The Power of Social Media

It's amazes me,we have employees that managing our social accounts is their job.
Ah, but that's marketing and promotion. Those are tools companies have long used, just moved online. Doing it in the new electronic forms takes a different set of skills, but the overall goal is still the same. Social media is just a new tool in the box.

Like any other job, I'm sure there are people that love it and engage in it on their own time, while there are others who hate it and leave it behind when they go home.
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I am not knocking any kind of social media and am happy for those that rely on it and use it daily. I use Facebook in a very limited way in order to keep in touch with relatives and friends living in other countries but that is about it.

I don't care about letting people know what I am doing and I really don't care what they are up to. Being the first to know something is not a priority and I am not interested in knowing what celebrities or athletes think. I consider the phone or text messages to be an interruption so I can't see that I would feel any different about being a major user of social media other than what I do here.
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