David Ortiz is the man tonight

Originally posted by bowtie@Oct 21 2004, 04:01 AM
We have just witnessed the greatest collapse in post season history.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer group of guys either :p

Steinbrenner must be fit to be tied :eek:rders:

Money, while it usually does, has failed to win the yankees another ring this year. I mean, if you really want a world series ring, take the money you spend on A Rod alone and buy one for the whole team.
hi, my name is kevin, and i'm a yankee's fan...
so now whats the 2nd step to recovery???

well, i'd like to call it the greatest comeback in history. doesnt make the yanks sound as bad and i do have to give some credit to the damned sox(that hurts so much to say)

i guess feeling of loss and disapointment and emptyness inside is what the sox fans go through every other year. to take a line from pedro and fudge it around a little, i'll just have to tip my cap and call david ortiz the yanks daddy. even though the pitching was awful.

i was wondering why joe was bringing in mo with an out in the 9th, and i heard a rumor that this could have been his last game. apparently he may have changed his priorities and could be retiring because of the deaths of his cousins last week. i know its just a rumor right now and probably isn't true, but it is plausible..
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