Team Owner
Perhaps we talk about Sr like that because most people wish that racing and Nascar was still like it was when he was racing. Lets face it it was better, the whole thing was better, races were sold out, there were new fans flocking in droves to Nascar. Now what do we have, empty seats, declining TV ratings, a sport that is still trying to find it self after Sr died. When Earnhardt was racing I didn't like him, hell he was the opposite of what I liked, I was a Bill Elliot fan and Sr. was a rival. That was all lost when Sr. died, sure Nascar tried to create rivals, and still does, but it is nothing like it was because they don't have a clue most of the time what the hell they are doing. Yeh I get sick of the tribute stuff just as much of the next guy, but you have to admit, and I hate saying this, Sr. was The Nascar of the modern era. You can spin it any way you want, but the fact remains, Nascar has not been the same, has not put out a product that can come close to matching what it had during that era. They have tried just about everything, but really what do we have now? A 2 car draft that looks like a video game, actually it is worse than a video game, sure as hell isn't racing, even if Nascar is trying to fix it most likely they will just create another problem. Do any of you actually think this would have happened if Earnhardt were still alive? Do any of you think that Sr would of sat back and not voiced his opinion, swaggered on up to the trailer and had a little chat? I can remember Sr. walking down the infield paddock area at Daytona with a few microphones in his face saying " this isn't racing boys" that's all he had to say. The next day he was in the trailer, changes were made , and there was better racing that year at Daytona & Dega. Do we have any one right now in the garage with that kind of a voice and influence? No one I can think of off hand, no one even close. That is why this sport has gone downhill, why it has no real clear direction, I don't like laying all that on Sr., but IMO I think that is what has happened. So I think that is why after 10 years we still have all the tribute stuff, why even the big cheeses of Nascar are playing off of it, because they can make money off it for one and two, it still brings attention to the sport.
Very well said