DC sportscaster George Michael dies

That really sucks. I always liked him. His show "The George Michael Sports Machine" was a highlight of my week as a younger sports fan. He was pretty much doing Sportscenter before ESPN was. This was, of course, back when sports news and highlights were much harder to come by. He just seemed like a really good guy who was as much of a sports fan as I was.

I'm also a big fan of the show PTI(Pardon The Interuption), which features Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser. These are two guys who George Michael is credited with delevoping and giving them their shot. Kornheiser, of course, also was on Monday Night Football for a few years too.

He will be missed.
George Michael, Glenn Brenner, and Warner Wolf were 3 of the best in Washington. They were all excellent.
George Michael, Glenn Brenner, and Warner Wolf were 3 of the best in Washington. They were all excellent.

Yep. I used to watch Sports Machine every Sunday Night. I wish they would've kept the program running with Lindsay.

He changed the industry forever, and he will be missed.

RIP George.
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