Originally posted by MCanyon@Oct 6 2004, 07:56 PM
I am by no means a Junior fan, but i see DEI's point here. Sure a precident was set with Sauter and Hornaday, but when they got their points taken away, they were not in the same chase for the cup senario. Since they are not in the same situation, then the same precident does not neccisarily apply.
also, someone stated that nascar is the only sport to take away points after they are earned. example, would be a football celebration after a toutchdown. the penalty doesnt take 2 points away from the touchdown, it awards the full touchdown and puts the penalty onto the next play. I think this would be good for Nascar too. How about having the team start 5 spots lower than their qualifying position, or maybe 10 spots, or even have them start dead last. plus they could get last pick for pit stall, and have to qualify first. basically i think it is a bad idea to take away what is already earned. you can still award a penalty to a team, without deducting points.
like i said, i am by no means a fan of juniors, but i think DEI made a good point. At first I was even hoping that Jr. would lose points because i thought it only fair if Sauter and Hornaday did. But, they make a pretty convincing point. Besides, like they said, if the penalty is going to be so severe in this Chase for the Championship, then you end up seeing a lot of boring personalities in Nascar, due to everyone being in fear of costing their team the Cup.
just my opinion.