Disappointed for Newman

and a long nite for people who pick him on their racin pools!!..lol....man either he is in the top 5 or in the garage....if it wasn't for a few wrecks and all those motors, he'd be walkin away with the points...
He and his crew cheif both have Masters Degrees in engineering. I think they're running some really experimental engine numbers, hence the race where he was up to 9500 rpms on the backstretch without shifting. They must have these engines down the number, these guys are no dummies.
its just a shame that he's runs so good and has motors blow....I could see pushin the experimental stuff if he wasn't a constant front runner, but when he's up front so much you'd think they'd take it back a few notches to make sure it makes it thru the whole race.....I do applaud them for tryin to get more outta what they have...but i think it might be hurting them in the big scheme of things.....
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