

Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
I keep telling myself to stay away from garage sales, but nooooo! My friend calls for help and I say yes. Went over at 8AM, got home at 1PM. She made money, I sweated a lot! LOL

After a shower, lunch and a short siesta, I'm at least cooler.

*note to self* "Do NOT do this anymore."
Iced tea by the gallon. If I could have gotten inside the pitcher, I would have. At least she has lots of trees, so I didn't fry outside in the sun.
Originally posted by paul
I hope she at least had some iced tea on hand.

not only iced tea but "sweet" iced tea like Texas lady likes too..............gotta have it sweet..........:D
Dont go to garage sales myself, sounds like a good thing that i dont.
I love garage sales.....................they are so much fun..........can't drag my hubby to them............I used to spend hours just running around them............:jumping: :jumping: :smileyb: :daisy:
only way to have iced tea................:heehee:
can't drink it blah....:rolleyes:
aahhhhhhhhhhh just made a new pitcher, with a little lemon too.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PURRRRRRRR
TRL,You don't have a bumper sticker on your car that says,'I break for garage sales' Do you? :p

no kat, no ham sandwich today --- leftover chicken from last night. ;)

pbunch, nope, no bumper sticker like that on my car. I have enough of my own junk, don't need anyone else's! LOL I just went to help her out with the selling. Her hubby had taken the two boys off fishing for the day to keep them(and him) out of her hair. ;)
LOL Isn't that the way it always goes. The guy gets stuck going fishing while the lady sells his collectables.
LOL at racerx!

This time it was the other way around. He's the "do not keep anything I don't use" kind, while she's the pack-rat. We cleaned out tons of her pack-rat items.

What's funny, she made some money, yes, but now she has room to start pack-ratting again. hehehe
Did a yard sale today too!!:) Made a little money, got rid of stuff, and now can go buy more, it never ends!!!:p

Wish I knew someone who wants little girls dressess. Have tons of them. Lot of clothes left over.
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