I have a question WNYfan... How are they going to handle the chicane on the yellow flag lap taking the green? It seems to me that the distance from the chicane to the line isn't all that far and it'll be tough for then to double up after single filing it. . I don't see any way they'll go through the chicane double wide.
As Mag said, there's still quite a distance from the chicane before they get to the front stretch. They really don't start picking up speed until they come under the bridge on the front stretch since the green flag is about in the middle. From where I sit, I can only see the front stretch and the chicane on the jumbotron.
BTW - Thanks for calling it the CHICANE. We don't know where the heck they came up with the name "bus stop." I come from a family that was going down there for years before NASCAR even came on the scene and it's never been called that until recently. My husband, brothers, etc., like to go to other races there since they really enjoy watching from the boot, which NASCAR doesn't use.