Driving injured

Remember when Dale Sr. had the hard crash at Talladega (the race nobody saw because it was rain delayed and CBS didn't stick with it) and he had his arm in a sling and put the car on the pole at Watkins Glen the next week?

Ricky Rudd taping his eyes open for the Daytona 500 after a violent flip in the Busch Clash.

Richard Petty racing in the '78 Daytona 500 weeks after having half his stomach removed. (there are a bunch of Richard stories)

With the win and you're in set up, you won't see many stories like this these days.
Remember when Dale Sr. had the hard crash at Talladega (the race nobody saw because it was rain delayed and CBS didn't stick with it) and he had his arm in a sling and put the car on the pole at Watkins Glen the next week?

Ricky Rudd taping his eyes open for the Daytona 500 after a violent flip in the Busch Clash.

Richard Petty racing in the '78 Daytona 500 weeks after having half his stomach removed. (there are a bunch of Richard stories)

With the win and you're in set up, you won't see many stories like this these days.

And not seeing those stories anymore is a good thing. You shouldn't be in a car if you are not medically fit to be in it. It's unsafe for you and every other driver on the track.
And not seeing those stories anymore is a good thing. You shouldn't be in a car if you are not medically fit to be in it. It's unsafe for you and every other driver on the track.
Thats what I'm saying, I'm illustrating what we did back in the day
Tim Richmonds last win I think at Pocono when he was already very ill sticks in my mind (at least I am pretty sure that was his last win).
He was a bad-ass

Jim Hurtubise

[snipped quote, click the link for the entire story]

'...Muscle and tendons in his hands were burnt off. His right pinky was amputated. Pins were required in the other fingers for the chance to function even a little. Legend has it that Hurtubise asked doctors to mold his hands into claws so he could grasp the steering wheel.

The tale essentially is true.

“I told them to make them so that I could hold a beer can, that’s all,” Hurtubise told the Los Angeles Times. “But I knew that if I could hold a beer can, I could hold a steering wheel.”...
I don't have any links but I can remember Kyle Petty and DW hobbling around with severe limps after each one of them broke a leg in a racing wreck, sometime around the early 1990's.
Ernie 'Swervin' Irvan was nearly killed in a practice accident at Michigan in 1994. He raced again but I don't think he ever completely recovered, it was a miracle that he even lived. But he returned and even won at Michigan after that terrible crash.
Ernie 'Swervin' Irvan was nearly killed in a practice accident at Michigan in 1994. He raced again but I don't think he ever completely recovered, it was a miracle that he even lived. But he returned and even won at Michigan after that terrible crash.
Yeah, wasn’t he given like a 10% chance to survive? Definitely a miracle.
This is what we used to have do to keep up in the points race, they couldnt even pull him out of the car, they would change that rule after this. Davey was an American Badass.

Yeah, he was a badass...and what I loved the most about him was that he didn't tell you he was a badass he showed you.
Ernie 'Swervin' Irvan was nearly killed in a practice accident at Michigan in 1994. He raced again but I don't think he ever completely recovered, it was a miracle that he even lived. But he returned and even won at Michigan after that terrible crash.
I am thinking that if Ernie drove today, and Michigan happened, he would have never been back in the car.....He was messed up.
I am thinking that if Ernie drove today, and Michigan happened, he would have never been back in the car.....He was messed up.

Yeah, it was a miracle that he even survived, let alone came back in '95 and started racing again. AND was competitive, immediately running up front and challenging for wins.

I'm just glad he seems to be living a healthy life since his retirement in '99 (after a couple more serious wrecks). He's extremely lucky
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