E-ZPass or similar devices


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
E-ZPass is what the toll road payment device is called in my area of the country. You may use something under a different name.

I've had two of these things for the past 4 years or so. I have to say, these things are awesome. They save me $'s and time. This year I've used mine in PA, NY, NJ, MD, VA, WV & NC. It costs bug $'s to cross PA on the PA Turnpike. Especially when towing.

A couple years ago we were traveling across PA with a fellow RV'er. I told him before we left on our trip that I'd be going through the E-ZPass Toll Booth's and that I'd slow down to wait for them to catch up. After going through a few of these they really got interested in getting one of these for themselves. I told them that they can purchase one at any of the service plazas along the PA Turnpike. During one of our fuel stops they purchased one. What was very cool is that when they purchased one while on the PA Turnpike, they waved the fee for that trip. A huge savings. All I'm getting at is that it may work the same in your state. If so, it'll save you some $'s and certainly some time.
We have SunPass that works throughout Florida and in North Carolina and Georgia. It will be integrated with your E-ZPass system soon. This from Wiki "The MAP-21 act passed in 2012 requires all states to have interoperable road tolling systems by October 1, 2016". I love it and will be glad when the merger among the states is complete.
We have SunPass that works throughout Florida and in North Carolina and Georgia. It will be integrated with your E-ZPass system soon. This from Wiki "The MAP-21 act passed in 2012 requires all states to have interoperable road tolling systems by October 1, 2016". I love it and will be glad when the merger among the states is complete.
The time saved alone makes it worth having one of these units.
There's 2 bridges in my area that are toll ... and each requires it's own $50 transponder. One of the bridges does have booths where you can pay the $2 toll ... the other has plate readers. Unfortunately there's a surcharge of nearly three times the actual toll for them to process your plate and send you the bill. Yeah .. nobody uses that bridge without good reason.
We have EZ Pass here, too. Also, TexTag which I think is integrated with E Z Pass.
Had one for several years before I moved out of Houston. Sure made things easier and faster to use
the toll bridge over the Houston Ship Channel and the Hardy Toll Road going north -- missed the mayhem that is I-45N out of Houston.
Austin has toll roads, but since I don't go to Austin, don't need one.
There's 2 bridges in my area that are toll ... and each requires it's own $50 transponder. One of the bridges does have booths where you can pay the $2 toll ... the other has plate readers. Unfortunately there's a surcharge of nearly three times the actual toll for them to process your plate and send you the bill. Yeah .. nobody uses that bridge without good reason.
$50 :eek:

The money that I paid was put into an account for the tolls. Unit = $0

When the account is depleted I have it automatically deposit $'s into my account. I have the monthly statement emailed to me for review.

I've only had a problem one time with the unit. This past February/March I went to NY. I was staying just across the GW Bridge in NJ. My wife and I had borrowed the in-laws car for size and comfort reasons. On one of our morning commutes into the city apparently the E-ZPass was not registered as we passed through the toll booth. About two weeks later I found this out after my father-in-law received a ticket/fine in the mail from NJDOT. I called and straightened it out in a few minutes and was only charged the bridge toll. I'm not sure why it didn't register the unit that trip but had I added that car to my account it would have never been an issue. They said they would have just read the plate and charged it to my account.
Oh, and the transponder is only good for that one car. You can't sell it. You can't put it in your wife's car. If you sell the car, you have to return the transponder to their office to get another for your next car. At least they credit you there .... but if you're not getting another car in your name ... too bad.
Oh, and the transponder is only good for that one car. You can't sell it. You can't put it in your wife's car. If you sell the car, you have to return the transponder to their office to get another for your next car. At least they credit you there .... but if you're not getting another car in your name ... too bad.
I can go to my SunPass account and add or delete any vehicle from it. Like @dpkimmel2001 said, if I use another vehicle or trade vehicles all I have to do is input the information to my account.

A: You may use your SunPass Portable personal transponder on another vehicle that has the same number of axles, as long as the vehicle and license plate are listed on your account information. Transponders issued to commercial accounts are interchangeable between vehicles, regardless of vehicle type or axle count. For your convenience, the SunPass Portable transponders may be easily moved from car to car. However, all vehicles and license plates must be listed on your account information.

From here: https://www.sunpass.com/faq
Oh, and the transponder is only good for that one car. You can't sell it. You can't put it in your wife's car. If you sell the car, you have to return the transponder to their office to get another for your next car. At least they credit you there .... but if you're not getting another car in your name ... too bad.
That does suck. I have one transponder that is matched up with my Truck and another transponder that is matched to my Jeep, my son's car, my daughter's car & now my in-laws car. I don't know that there is a limit.
We also have easy passes. It's pretty much a requirement if you live in my neck of the woods.
Oh, and the transponder is only good for that one car. You can't sell it. You can't put it in your wife's car. If you sell the car, you have to return the transponder to their office to get another for your next car. At least they credit you there .... but if you're not getting another car in your name ... too bad.
Damn, I have an I Pass from Illinois because I go to Chicago a lot. You can Have 2 vehicles registered on it at a time. You can also go online and change the cars that will be using it anytime you want...IE give it to a friend...rental car doesn't matter
Yeah, EZPass here, and it's the way to go. Never have to stop, and it saves money. One of the bridges I cross every week is $2.00 without, and only $0.85 with. The other one (which is a piece of **** bridge) still costs $4.50 regardless, but I don't have to worry about having the cash. And the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (which I cross a couple or three times a year) is $12.00 each way, but only $5.00 return trip if you have an EZPass.
You can't wave the EZ pass here, it has to be attached just below the rear view mirror. People are getting nabbed. But there's a law that says nothing can be affixed to your windshield in the drivers field of view. Our inspection stickers are lower right corner. Parking stickers lower left. The EZ p[ass violates the law.
Yeah, EZPass here, and it's the way to go. Never have to stop, and it saves money. One of the bridges I cross every week is $2.00 without, and only $0.85 with. The other one (which is a piece of sh!t bridge) still costs $4.50 regardless, but I don't have to worry about having the cash. And the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (which I cross a couple or three times a year) is $12.00 each way, but only $5.00 return trip if you have an EZPass.
I crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel twice last week, south then north. $12.00 each way for me. :mad: I want your rate.
You can't wave the EZ pass here, it has to be attached just below the rear view mirror. People are getting nabbed. But there's a law that says nothing can be affixed to your windshield in the drivers field of view. Our inspection stickers are lower right corner. Parking stickers lower left. The EZ p[ass violates the law.
I mount the E-ZPass behind the rear view mirror. It can't be seen from the drivers side.
I mount the E-ZPass behind the rear view mirror. It can't be seen from the drivers side.
Ditto. This is what ours looks like.

E-ZPass is what the toll road payment device is called in my area of the country. You may use something under a different name.

I've had two of these things for the past 4 years or so. I have to say, these things are awesome. They save me $'s and time. This year I've used mine in PA, NY, NJ, MD, VA, WV & NC. It costs bug $'s to cross PA on the PA Turnpike. Especially when towing.

A couple years ago we were traveling across PA with a fellow RV'er. I told him before we left on our trip that I'd be going through the E-ZPass Toll Booth's and that I'd slow down to wait for them to catch up. After going through a few of these they really got interested in getting one of these for themselves. I told them that they can purchase one at any of the service plazas along the PA Turnpike. During one of our fuel stops they purchased one. What was very cool is that when they purchased one while on the PA Turnpike, they waved the fee for that trip. A huge savings. All I'm getting at is that it may work the same in your state. If so, it'll save you some $'s and certainly some time.

I think the E-Z pass can be purchased at CVS in my neck of the woods. It was essential as one of the toll roads has very few humans and wonky machines that may or may not accept your cash payment. Sometimes there is a huge lineup when people try and exit with motorists exchanging paper money to see if they can get the automated cash system to work. Oh and are you ever right about the tolls on the OH and PA turnpikes as you need a part time job to save up before using them.,
Damn, I have an I Pass from Illinois because I go to Chicago a lot. You can Have 2 vehicles registered on it at a time. You can also go online and change the cars that will be using it anytime you want...IE give it to a friend...rental car doesn't matter

I am so glad I don't have to deal with the Dan Ryan and Tri State anymore except on rare occasions.
Yep, TxTag here in DFW. Tuesday I racked up about 30 miles of toll from work to McKinney to home. Auto-debits my bank account and about 1/2-2/3 the price of a plate bill. I have mine mounted on the passenger side of the rear view mirror.
I have what they call a KTag on my 2 vehicles. They give them away for free and since they are just stuck to your windshield they don't come off and still works. I wrecked my one car and notified Kansas and they sent me a new one for the new car. Ours is good in Ks, OK and Texas. I now take the turnpike a lot more than I ever did. I understand they they might change to a system that takes a picture of your tag though. Either way for right now with the system Kansas is using I'm quite happy with it.
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