Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan@Feb 25 2003, 02:30 PM
[ QUOTE: Kindly keep your derisive hogwash to yourself, whaddayasay?
And one more thing. I didn't go to ETSU, with it's medical school and all. But thanks for the chance to brag on them, it's a great place for those who might want to study something besides BBPIC - Bachelor's in Burying People In Concrete. Ain't that about all that Joiseez famous for?]
Derisive hogwash?? New Joisey and BBPIC degrees?? Well I never..................so I'll offer a lesson on the Garden State to clarify a few things of a little geographical and historical background !!!! New Joisey is famous for the following: being one of the thirteen original states and a major player in the Revolutionary War, high production in agricultural products, diversified areas with sandy soils, mountains, beautiful beaches and some of the best universities and medical facilities in the world, just for openers rather than bore you with the rest.
However, beyond the positive side, New Jesrsey offers, The Sopranos, chemical companies that pollute and it has been suggested people living in the areas where these companies are located actually glow in the dark from drinking the water. Some sort of phenomenon.
It is rumored unmarked burial plots in the Meadowlands are the reason there can be no NASCAR facility built there until all graves are identified, and the mob ain't talking. In the event a NASCAR race track were located there it would offer one major benefit as the area was a former landfill and the methane gas would provide lighting for night races at little to no cost.
New Jersey has the largest population per square mile of any state. Is that a plus or a minus? But to correct one thing that is untrue, not every town has an exit off the New Jersey Turnpike. Just most of them. The others are exits off the Garden State Parkway. It also has Newark, holder of the record for the most car thefts per registered vehicle in the state. The state also has rednecks, white trash, an overburden of criminals and an understaffed judicial system.
It seems the major product in New Jersey is asphalt, which covers a large portion of the earth leaving small cracks between to allow for agricultural production.
Since moving to North Carolina, the newspapers have carried stories of places where they have uncovered unexploded shells in a building subdivision, site of a former military training center. Chemical spills in major rivers, cities regularly fined for failure to control untreated sewage waste from running into therivers, farms overloading the environment with animal sewage, corruption at various levels in government, gang related rapes and murders, and cows and people driven out by building growth, and sub-divisions found laced with DDT chemicals placed there fifty years ago, use of taxpayer monies to subsidize tobacco, the Smokey Mountains being the most polluted National Park in the entire National Park System and the city of Raleigh having the dubious distinction of being one of the ten most air polluted cities in the nation. And it isn't just in North Carolina or New Jersey, excuse me, New Joisey. It is everywhere and anywhere.
So it seems like the desire any of us might have thinking we are unique, it just ain't so. It all equates to being the same stuff, different day, different place. Same style of arm-twisting politics, same style of "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" and the dairy cows that were so prevalent until twenty years ago are going quickly, according to some, a victim of high property taxes. It has been said the cows in New Jersey, New Joisey, started giving milk with a luminescent glow. Kids loved it but health experts were wary.
But ain't it the same all over??
Oh yes. Least I forget. A recent unsubstantiated check on New Joisey institutions of higher education thought to be offering degrees in BBPIC (Bachelors Burying People in Concrete) degrees are at an all time high, as is enrollment. It might be a form of mortuary science with a new title. Seems there is a demand from out of state students wanting to learn the technique. Funny, what they teach in one state is desired by students from other states.
Just a few examples of the different things New Joisey is known for.